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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


I don’t know if this is depression as well. I have struggles I feel like I partially navigated myself into and now I’m NEET with depleting resources, but the way out is overwhelming, hostile and exhausting.

I was at the point of not knowing where I’m going and not knowing what a meaningful and fulfilling life actually entails, but now I’m not so sure if that feeling’s still there, because it led me to lose the grasp to it and now other seemingly mundane problems overshadow the search for meaning.

I should’ve gotten help when that was not miles away and now waiting for it is scary. So, if you’ve got good friends, therapy and general stability, be careful with isolation.

How do people determine whether they have ‘impaired’ neurological functions by the way?

Some don’t have an answer or don’t care. Some parents show all the religious answers to disillusion the uniqueness and originality of major religions’ answers. Many children don’t ask or care. Many children are perfectly fine with documentaries about the Big Bang, seeing the complexity involved.

I asked, my parents didn’t know and cared little to find out, I found documentaries and audiobooks made for children. It took a long time for me to understand that the boring religious stories they subtly taught in school were seeking to at least partially replace the scientific narratives.

Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg auf ihrem weiteren Lebensweg.

Laminiert, 768.

Instructions unclear, Waffenbesitzkarte isn’t on sale at ALDI at all.

Mit 150k lässt sich so manches Haus in der Großstadt in zehn Jahren finanzieren. Da ist krasse soziale Mobilität drin, d.h. Reichtum lässt sich möglicherweise sogar mehrgenerational anhäufen. Viele dieser Menschen haben bereits ernsthafte Probleme sich prekäres Leben in DE vorzustellen (aka Niemand müsse in Deutschland auf der Straße leben).