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Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


It’s 425


You can find it if you Google existential comics anarchism chomsky

People who tie up girls with long hair. Do you tie up women or femininity?

Andrewism is great. The majority of the video is discussing David Graebers Debt the first 5000 years which for a book about the history of debt and the relations between people in society is surprisingly entertaining. I’d recommend checking it out.


Except the thread was specifically talking about whether people who identify as straight are into women or into femininity. The person in the post responded they were into women because he is sexually attracted to women’s curves (namely their breasts) and some ace person decided that it was disgusting for him to say that because they (the ace) don’t find people’s bodies attractive therefore anyone who does find people’s bodies attractive is super gross and the OP was just responding back defending himself. This wasn’t some unsolicited comment about trans people.

I’m sure they had a reason. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a completely arbitrary reason

Math is our representation of real world phenomena. The universe is not calculating any computations when gravity takes effect. This is basic mathematical knowledge that they teach you when you first learn physics. So no, math is not real and is entirely made up.

Except math isn’t real and was entirely made up. Including the order in which the operations are calculated.

The anime is called New Game and it’s honestly really fucking good. As a developer who dabbles in game dev it’s honestly pretty true to life and accurate in many ways. I’m usually more of a action anime guy but my wife introduced this one to me and I loved it. It stopped after 2 seasons because they used up all the material but the manga recently released enough chapters that we could get a season 3 so hopefully the anime studio decides to pick it back up again.

My ex really loved that song and thought it was so deep. She’d say shit like “I just love how he doesn’t have a type you know? Like if your bad it doesn’t matter” but I was just confused because a bad bitch is a type. And it wasn’t her.

It’s not just you meditation is really scary and hard for lots of people because being alone with your thoughts is really fucking scary especially when you are already on the verge of no longer wanting to live. A key part of the process however is realizing that you are not your emotions or your fears. That you are something fundamentally different than those and that you can place distance between yourself and how you feel. And that distance allows you to observe without internalizing. It’s really fucking hard but honestly it’s so good for you. Just start small. And like the other poster said talking about it helps.

Ewww reposting space Karen

Life has no meaning rule

React isn’t even bad or hard to learn. You just are stuck in your ways.

  • Software Engineer of 10 years so not a recent boot camp dev

I see this answer given a lot on reddit when this paradox is brought up so I’ll post it here too. There is no paradox of tolerance because tolerance is not a rule but a social contract. When someone is intolerant they have violated said social contract and thus are no longer covered by it and are not granted tolerance. We tolerate those who tolerate others.

When I was 18 I was a right wing libertarian. When I became a software engineer and started making good money I became a progressive democrat. Now that I make 6 figures I’m an Anarchist Communist. Question: when does my career of the last decade become a “real job” and make me a conservative asshole? Because I’m still waiting.

Yeah that stood out to me. Although they don’t need a seat at the table to be held accountable