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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


https://archive.org/details/vhskids has all our old shows if you want them to see what you grew up with :) It should also have all the old disney shorts which became public domain.

All the guides are on r eddit and i refuse to give them views but i’ll write a quick one here.


  • IRC uses Direct IP (DCC) transfers but they are SSL encrypted.
  • Not many older files. (> 2 yrs old)
  • Sharing files requires an IRC bot and a complicated setup not fit for this guide. (https://iroffer.net/ will get you started)


  • Quite safe imo
  • Very fast.
  • No seeding.
  • SSL encrypted.


  1. pirate or get a shareware version of mIRC. “mIRC 7.64 (Fixed) - SeuPirate” worked fine for me.

  2. pick a server that you will use to connect. networks has a list of about 10 networks

  3. port forward the ports in mIRC

  4. Join the server after making and filling in username details. After connecting register with Nickserv.

  5. “Get list of channels” and join the one that tells you “search here” or some equivalent.

  6. use commands like !latest or !x265 to get a list of files available.

  7. Message a bot with the file you want using the format provided (usually /msg XDCC-BOT send #456) or some equivalent.

  8. that’s it. You can further enchance your experience with mIRC scripts but I find that overkill myself.