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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 21, 2023


Ooh, thanks for the link. I’d forgotten about it.

Ooh, I like that eat-when-I-get-there strategy. I’ll be sharing that one.

Put everything in your calendar. Use notifications sufficiently far ahead to be useful, and have the ability to snooze alerts.

On Android I use Calendar Notifications for greater flexibility with notifications.

For example, for doctor appointments I set the notification for a day in advance. Then I’ll snooze it until I need to leave the next day (with extra time for cleaning up, etc).

I look at my calendar all the time. Keep it open on my laptop, month view, so I’m always seeing what my month looks like, what’s coming up.


People with ADHD often have a misthinking about time, how long things take, etc.

And people in general don’t want to waste time, being early feels like wasting time.

The thing is, something nearly always happens which eats up that “extra” time reserved for being early… So you’re not early after all.

Other stimulants work. Just not as well.

Certain over-the-counter sinus medications, for example.

I recently discovered the PARA method: the idea that most of what we do falls into one of 4 categories:


Area of Responsibility



I’ve setup a OneNote notebook and a paper planner using this approach, and it’s been very helpful with de-chaos-ing so much stuff. Now it hasn’t halped much with specific tasks, other than I can more easily record and then find them.

Lately I’ve been using my shopping list app (Anylist) for my daily to-do’s since it syncs with Android and iOS, and I’m in it all the time for other lists on every device (I keep a browser window open just for it on my laptop). Unfortunately it doesn’t have reminders.

traveling and looking for a place to stay UT there are none or you need extra money

I’d start by not traveling if I lacked sufficient funds for it.

Improvise isn’t my middle name any more - it’s become my first name

Wow, I like this term. Great concept that I’ve used forever, just not with such a killer label.

Even neuro-typicals can benefit from this idea.

If you’re working at it, then it should become more automatic - it should take less conscious effort to keep from doing things that are problematic.

It’s a practice thing, just like learning other stuff. ADHD responds very well to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - where you essentially re-write the scripts we all operate by. But it takes time and practice - the repitition of substituting a new internal dialog for any given thought process/script.

To that end, 2 books may be helpful:

Adults and ADHD - this is good for seeing how it functions in adults VS kids.

Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer. Early “self help” book, but he’s actually teaching Cognitive Behavioural Therapy without calling it that. Just showing how we use our internal dialog without thinking about it.

Sounds more like obsession?

Or is it hyper-focus appearing like obsession?

Regardless of ADHD, guilt is often not useful, and a choice we make.

I highly recommend reading Wayne Dyer’s “You’re Erroneous Zones” - he explains how to use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques to reframe things like guilt.

I play Solitaire on my phone with the screen really dim.

I suspect it works because it’s just engaging enough to start, and then the mindless repitition sets in and slows things down.

Every year, almost every teacher.

I am applying myself, Jane you ignorant slut (SNL reference).

I was embittered before 2nd grade because teachers wouldn’t answer my questions and acted like I was being a smart ass.

No, YOU just did a shitty job explaining why something is done a certain way. “Just because” isn’t a fucking answer.

College was just as bad, maybe worse.

Most teachers suck. As in about 95% of them.

But I must know!

(Edit: yes, I’m mixing quotes from different movies, it just seemed like it fit)

Eww. Lol

I’ve never liked cold pizza. Just eww.

But I understand why one would eat it after a night out. Sometimes you just can’t be bothered, and it’s edible.

Then work on that.

An apology is just that - an apology, not an explanation.

Who wants to hear someone’s excuses “ten times a day”?

If you’re fuckin up that much, you got a lot of work to do to not fuck up so much.

Just stop. The end.

No need to explain why you didn’t do something, and honestly, most people don’t even care why.

Just apologize, sincerely, and move on.

This isn’t an ADHD issue, it’s a maturing thing. Many people rationalize their mistakes while apologizing, which just devalues the apology.

Own the mistake, apologize for it, and move on. By doing this, you show respect and consideration for those you’ve affected, while also freeing yourself from the justification/rationalization feedback loop in your head.

OneNote has been my dumping ground for 15 years now, it’s a chaotic mess, because I’ve been lazy and search works really well.

Today I have a few notebooks, some for actual, organized work, and some for the grandiose ideas I get, or the random stuff I find.

I recently started a new notebook using the PARA model:


Areas of Responsibility



(And an additional section which I added to the model)


I added this to PARA, I find it useful for some resources to be in a separate Reference section, since Resources gets archived upon completion of a Project or Area of Responsibility.

So in addition to my other notebooks, I have this PARA one at the top, with these four elements as Section Groups (Sections Groups Are Sections that can contain other sections, kind of like major tabs in a notebook, that can have smaller tabs in them). I largely work out of it every day, using other notebooks to capture all the random stuff that catches my eye.

Every Project/Responsibility/related Resource is added to that notebook. Other stuff (random articles, curiosities, etc) go elsewhere. This notebook is specifically for actionable, actually important, life management stuff.

Everything flows from the Project Section and the Areas of Responsibility Section. Resources never exist on their own - they are always related to either a Project or an Area of Responsibility (I even name the Sections in Resources the same as their related Project or Responsibility so it’s clear they go together).

Just last week I archived my first project, including it’s related Resource section - what a great feeling!

If you don’t know of her, check out Jessica on How to ADHD.

She’s a riot, my ADHD friends/family say she really gets presenting to someone with ADHD, she holds their attention well.

One video is her Ted talk. Very moving (and funny, and insightful).

Saved and meant to get back to this.

Anyway, two books I highly recommend: ADHD for Adults (because adult challenges can be quite different from childhood, and being diagnosed as an adult is a different experience). This book is largely about how to identify when ADHD is affecting you, and developing strategies to compensate.

“Your Erroneous Zones” by Wayne Dyer. Early self-help book, but he’s introducing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in laymen’s terms (not even sure it was called CBT back then).

Yea, technically it works this way in the US, but OP’s description sounds a lot like the incompetence/indifference of many pharmacists/docs.

They all act like doing this is difficult. I have an HMO, so it’s all in-house. Even they try to tell me they can’t “send” my prescription to a different pharmacy, when they’re all their pharmacies, in their facilities, all part of the same network/IT structure. Like what’s this “send” thing, when it’s all part of my personal medical record. Either I have a script in there or I don’t. It’s not like it’s bein, faxed around.

Some people are just lazy asshats.

Did I miss this was in Canada? Lol. Woops.

I’m sure there’s similar BS there, maybe not as bad, certainly influenced by US BS in government. God knows those jackasses love to get their authoritarian claws into everything.

FDA and DEA nonsense, both of whom are operating beyond their mandate.

Read about the supposed opiod crisis… When the increase in heroin/street drugs use didn’t increase until after the DEA (or FDA, or whoever) limited supplies and access to pain meds like oxy, vicodin, tramadol, etc.

As a chronic pain patient, the feds can lick my sweaty redacted.