Whelp, that’s a lot. Your experience feels relatable to me in some ways and alien in others. Sorry I can’t offer anything else at this point but if you have specific questions, I’m sure everyone here will gladly share their experiences and advice. Either way, you clearly belong here. So welcome to the club!
Yeah. I’m the neurodivergent person who usually turns on the light when they come into work. All my coworkers seem to enjoy dwelling in darkness (and cONsErVe eNErGy) but I apologize in case I’m waking anyone up and flip that switch anyway. We get a lot of visitors and the place shouldn’t look like a frigging bat cave. Plus, I need the energy that the light gives me, like you said.
If the therapist doesn’t cut it you best cut the therapist. Make sure it’s not you who is preventing the therapy from being successful, though.