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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Lol I do the same but it was to Spirits


I got bees in my head and they won’t go

You can write fully functional code in C#! I pretty much made the switch over and it works great

We could never ignore you bro!

This. I love me some python, but it’s so unstructured (and by that I mean more how the structure is based off spacing), I actually think it makes it harder to learn vs. easier.

“Bracket” languages let the learner get a feel for when a piece of logic ends, which I think is important to learn at first. Also, C type languages, ESPECIALLY C#) are everywhere, depending on the field you end up specializing in you probably have a 90+% chance of needing to know one of these languages.

Seriously, there is nothing wrong with python, but I think the easiness of it actually works against learning to code (imho)

It’s a genuinely nice language with tons of syntactic sugar. It’s fast, flexible and runs everywhere. Honestly my favorite language.

Other nice things about it is you can write object oriented code as well as functional style with it, so it even handles the style of code you prefer which is a lot harder to do with other languages. Finally it’s open source but also has deep pockets behind it so the language is constantly being pushed forward.

My bad, if it’s any consolation I live in Idaho

I mean you could have said that about the rest of the visible map there as well

Brave has a lot of its own intrusive stuff, I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole

I’m sorry, we only accept 3/4 baked idea shitposts here

I’m CIA, everything is America, they just don’t know it yet

…. Err beep boop ima bot

Well screw you too buddy, I didn’t want to chat anyway

I’ve been telling them for years, but no one listens to the AI

Welp, it’s 8:19AM and I’m done with the internet now, thanks