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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


I suppose much like the movie franchise this meme represents a lower quality sequel

Holy shit if this meme had any less jpeg it would be an ipeg

If they wanted the multiplication done first they should have put it first if they wanted it done separately they should have put it in brackets. Not my fault some maths guy invented a specific order to do sums in who the fuck cares oh my god we read left to right fucking hell

I think when you have a meme like that with such obvious provenance, it’s inevitably going to effect the value of other memes in the area. The whole point of this sub is to provide quality, interesting memes with real history and real pedigree. We need to work together to ensure that only the ripest hand-picked memes reach the meme-baskets of our fellow lemmites. X

Mm this one has aged quite well - not too much bloom on top, just a hint of must in the nose

Do we have a place for greentext yet or are we not being that specific

Jesus that’s depressing. We should start a Society for the Proper Use of Memes or SPUM for short

Wow thanks for sharing this I had no idea 🤷🏻‍♂️

Yay! I still don’t know how to use anything that looks like twitter tho

Now this is the kind of quality content screenshot I come here for

Ahh cool we’re doing screenshots today nice 👍

Yeah fair. I wonder if they’re self aware enough to understand tbh

Yeah could be right. No date for the image tho

Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut genug, um dieses Meme vollständig zu verstehen, aber scheiß auf u/spez

Now this is the type of content I come to this website for

I’m in this meme and I don’t like it :(

Man zuk / musk would have been like piece of wood vs ham

Chortle this meme made me grin

I don’t like money but I need it unfortunately.

excellent I had no idea this one existed