Curious Canid

I am owned by several dogs and cats. I have been playing non-computer roleplaying games for almost five decades. I am interested in all kinds of gadgets, particularly multitools, knives, flashlights, and pens.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I had tried clearing the cache, but a different browser is a good suggestion. I had been using Firefox. I tried Chrome and was able to complete the puzzle section. Unfortunately, after that I got the message “we have detected unusual activity on your account” followed by another endless cycle of one-time-passwords and puzzle solving.

Thanks for the help! It gave me some other things to try and it definitely helps to know that it is still working for you.

Thanks. I may give that a try. At this point I’m thinking that I may just have Japan Rabbit make the order for me.

There are few things I hate as much as “you have to be logged in to get help with why you can’t log in”. This isn’t the first place I’ve run into that.

Can US customers still access Amazon Japan?
I'm not sure this is the right place to ask, but I've been struggling with this for a while and would love any suggestions or info. I live in the US, but I've had an account with Amazon Japan for years. The last few times I've tried to use it I have been unable to login. I follow the same sequence every time. The site recognizes my login, but tells me I need to change my password and send me one-time code by email. When I enter that it tells me there is a problem with my account and I need to solve a puzzle. When I enter my solution to the puzzle I get a message that there was a problem connecting to the verification server. I have been through this at least a dozen times over three sessions and a period of several months. The sequence is the same every time. I have also tried to create a new account, but that also asks me to solve the puzzle and I run into the same error. I would like to contact Amazon Japan about this, but you have to log in to contact their support. Has anyone been able to use Amazon Japan from the US recently? Does anyone have suggestions for how to fix this or what might be causing it? Are the any other ways to contact Amazon Japan? I would be grateful for any help.

There were some valid reasons to have them, if you go far enough back in history, but those reasons haven’t applied for a long time. Meanwhile, signatures gradually evolved into a plague. They often took up more space than the posts and they were often brightly colored or animated. Sigs made reading the actual text harder while serving as a distraction.

As you might guess, I am glad to see them gone. What used to go into sig blocks can now go into your profile. Anyone who’s interested can just click. It’s a much better setup all around.

I started out using the Swype app back before it was a common feature. It works well for me and I’ve been using it ever since. The learning curve is not steep and it speeds up my typing back at least a factor of two.

This is a huge red flag. Unless they have a strong reason to believe otherwise no one should ever install an app with permissions like that.

I think it very unlikely that it will end life on Earth. There are organisms that live in volcanic vents in deep ocean water. Something will evolve to fill whatever niches are available as the environment changes.

I also think that humanity will survive, but even that is not certain. How many individuals die is going to depend a lot on how well we deal with the underlying problems and what technology we are able to develop for surviving under the new conditions.