We killed 2 millions civilians isn’t the flex you think it is buddy.
American soldiers be like : Geez i wonder why civilians are not cooperating with us and instead throwing IED at us. No!!! John died ! I’ll kill rape everything that move in this village to avenge you john. Oh, no ! The horrible things i did gave me PTSD ! Sad… Make a movie about how it affected me please.
A lot of french dubs of cartoon /anime are now lost media. A small team of dedicated fans have been looking for the french dub of Keroro Gunso for years and despite being really famous when it aired it’s nowhere to be found . A second Exemple is the cartoon network chowder which seems to have vanished from earth like it never existed.
First, what ? Am not the same commenter. Either you need glasses or replied too quickly which can happen sometimes.
Second, your comment sounded like bragging which wouldn’t be the first time i saw an American do it when told they lost the Vietnam war “Yeah they killed 50.000+ of our soldier but we killed 2 millions civilians so who lost…”