Isn’t it up to you to find that out before choosing an instance? It’s not a bad idea, but instance owners are already doing a lot of unpaid work - it doesn’t feel right to start making demands.
Maybe you could build a simple website that allistic instances and allows owners/users to post info on them. Seems a fairly simple project.
But we’re all lowly plebe. That’s sorta the point of the constitution. The people pushing the idea that money or your job makes you more important are full of crap. The only thing it implies is that all of us should be well-informed, but equality is the whole reason for the constitution
I wish people didn’t confuse the right to do something with the necessity to go do it. I fully support people’s right to be removeds, but I honestly don’t understand why anyone would want to be an removed
Isn’t it up to you to find that out before choosing an instance? It’s not a bad idea, but instance owners are already doing a lot of unpaid work - it doesn’t feel right to start making demands.
Maybe you could build a simple website that allistic instances and allows owners/users to post info on them. Seems a fairly simple project.