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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Depends on where they are. I legally need a psychiatrist to give me my prescription.

Depending on how much you hate hair that’s only half dry, towelling the shit out of it or only using the hair dryer for a shorter time. Then air dry. I do the latter over night so I don’t notice the wetness, keeping a towelly bonnet on. Also, the dryer works better if you brush your hair the whole time while holding it into the air stream.

Most of my brains bandwidth is used up by remembering things like that my passport is in that canvas bag half under my bed and that my birth certificate is in a specific stack of paper at my mums house in my former room. So yes, let’s!

Where do I learn the skill of remembering/noticing things that are directly in front of my face

For me a sharp pains snaps me out of a panic attack or spiral sometimes

Every logo on every product is an ad. Not to mention everything you come across on a stroll through town. Unless youre living that unabomber lifestyle you’re absolutely exposed to ads.

U always reply w this when someone online talks about how ads don’t work on them