I’ve been called “a giant faggot” but I’m medium at most. ♥️
Where can I get this mouse?
I can’t help you, but if you’re just interested in drinking mouse water (an endeavor I do not encourage) and don’t care what company gets associated with your death when people search the news story,
can I interest you in Popcicle, Delta Faucets, Star Wars, or injectable beta-1a interferon?
Why do you want to find common ground with people who are actively engaging in genocide?
There is certain ground you shouldn’t want to be in common with.
Certain positions you just oppose.
You are carrying water for people who want good friends of mine executed and you should stop doing that.
a charity’s job is to do good.
A charity’s job is to get donations.
The only reality I need to acknowledge is that genocide is bad.
One party is currently enacting genocide and should be made to feel bad about that.
You can feel however you want about propping up the Non-Profit Industrial complex with money sourced from puppy kickers. Your “pragmatism” doesn’t make genocide ok, nor does it render a refusal to call it out as anything but harmful moral cowardice.
Refusing to shun evil does real world harm.
Legitimizing evil as not evil because “evil money spends” bolsters evil.
Reducing opposing genocide to “ideological purity” is flippant, and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing it.
most Republicans are not pro-genocide, rather, extremists within their party are
There is no moderate wing of a party which caucuses with people who proffer genocide as a policy position.
10 people having dinner with 1 nazi is 11 nazis and a party that has members pushing genocide is a genocidal party.
Is it better to declare your politics and lose the donations that would allow you to do good?
Legitimizing genocide as a “political belief” by refusing to call out, “We should do a genocide!” as bad is itself doing a bad.
“I don’t want to alienate Republicans and Democrats. … I like having it where everyone”
So he’s a fascist. If you have 11 people trying not to alienate a fascist, you have 12 fascists.
Donaldson considers himself strictly apolitical
Refusing to take a side when one side has made the extermination of swaths of the population their stated policy goal is taking the side of oppression.
If the force you’re referencing is suction.