A Reddit is Fun User and basic Redditor for over 10 years. Now I am a Lemmy and using multiple apps and browsers to access this site.

Also a life time gamer and father of three boys. I am also a writer and have published one novel with more on the way.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Then they whine and cry and removed about all the foreign doctors and lawyers. My dad everytime I talk to him. He loves Trump and hates education but then crys when he must be seen by a foreign doctor.

He along with most of these assclown Trump lovers and GOP scum are so afraid of China taking over. My dad spews that nonsense.

I try to explain that yes some foreign country will take us over someday if you keep killing off education. No stem jobs, no scientist, or engineers. Along with doctors etc what do they think will happen?

They act like Idiotracy was documentary.

Edit: who removed part of my comment? Really WTF?

Made me laugh out loud damn best meme yet

Afraid that doesn’t compute here. Guess you will have to fein with the rest of us and get over your karma addiction.

This isn’t an old meme. I was promised old memes.

Reminds me of Garfield without Garfield. If you read that comic you realize Jon just crazy the whole time.

Exactly anyone today that votes Republican or calls themselves one (my boss) yet continues to vote republican just because either don’t care or wants what they want.

Librarians and Library’s are the very heart of our country and the fucking GOP and far right are trying to destroy that. And if we don’t stop them soon they will win.

Look at the Moms for liberty they are front and center trying to destroy Library and they are succeeding.

I have enough of those cards to do that 100 times.

I do that at restaurants make sure everything is neat and tidy and easy to pick up all at one time.

Now this one I haven’t seen in a long time.

I used copies of old Nintendo games and they don’t get a single cut. I don’t see them shutting down those stores that sell them. Fuck Nintendo greed.

26 here for me definitely get off my lawn kiddos.

Damn that’s so old I had forgotten all about this one. RIP Robin.

Yes souce of this wiki how would be appreciated?

Thanks now I’m depressed as Gen X this also before my time.

Nice and funny expected a bot to preform the task. Didn’t expect a human.

Yes normally that only comes after a ton of people disagree with me on something and must tell me all about it.

Good post get 700 up votes and if I am lucky 2 people comment.

Yeah seems a bit crazy but maybe she was right.

Yes we should. On another note what is this video from and who she pointing at?

225 a night hotel would be a freaking dream. Most hotels cost 100 a night. I agree a cabin in the woods our somewhere else special.

But landlords are putting up ordinary homes up and people actually rent them. More money then sense.

Tulsa has a huge coven of witches we have witch shops all over town.

My first thought was they were from Halo. Only know because of Red vs Blue.

Man what the heck is that? Also I also am fairly new here but after almost a month feels like home.

I think your absolutely right. He should be so easy to kill but I think we under estimate him.

More like that Meta and we need to resist at all costs.

So I am Gen X born 1980. And who decided this?

I only saw the 2 girls 1 cup because a friend showed it to me. I thankfully missed out on all the others but I am aware of them.

Same best so far been Wefwef. But Jerboa is also nice.

I use tons of apps and the browser to use Lemmy. And it can be frustrating but I keep at it because I want to succeed.

I trade them in I guess. Funny spent so much time trying to earn karma just to find it all was for nothing.

How do I go about getting these pals to endorse my page?

Okay we need a blog post on the best way to cook pasta. I am going try all these methods out. We cook a lot of it in my home. But the kids hate the sauce. Any suggestions?

I was thinking of just posting my old Reddit posts over here not the whole thread of comments. Be interesting but a lot of work and like you said it wouldn’t be the same. But an archive of it would be nice.

This will not stop cheating
Me and my boss explained how you could just have AI write your article etc. Then have those checking systems check it for you. Keep fixing it until beats the systems which with AI won't take long.

All excellent ideas. I just didn’t want to lose all the content I created over the 10 years being on Reddit. Not to mention all the great post I saved and even comments I created. And some others created and I saved.

Because they had made a great quote, or list of books I should read. Want to save all that content.

Great plan what could go wrong?