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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


You’re absolutely right. I probably should have specified that in this context, that formula comes completely out of the blue and is not really appropriate, so I feel like in this case it warrants a bit of explanation.

It’s the relativistic velocity addition formula, which makes zero sense in non-relativistic scenarios, but it’s useful because it caps the velocity addition to just below c.

EDIT: I misread. Yeah, even if correct you can’t just write down a formula and use it without justifying what it does or where it comes from.

Afaik, AirBnB in the US is a huge pile of shit. In Europe most of the times the offering is good and you get more for your money that a typical Hotel. Exceptions exist of course, but on average I would say AirBnB > Hotel.

I can appreciate that approach (which I also follow): start from tradition to understand the dish, and once you’ve got the gist of it, put some personal twists in it. Makes sense for a lot of stuff.

You just stir for good measure. Yeah you might not need to if you have the perfect amount of water boiling in the perfect way, but honestly it’s not worth the risk. Just stir it from time to time.

Basic knowledge if you’re Italian, but impressive if you’re not. Kudos.

“Spadellare” the pasta when it’s almost cooked with the hot sauce in a separate pan is the easiest way to make your pasta go from “home grade” to “restaurant grade”.

You absolutely need to stir pasta while it’s cooking. And once you get it out, if you’re not going to add sauce right away or at all, you absolutely need to add some olive oil. If you don’t stir it while it’s cooking, it will get cooked unevenly. If you don’t add olive oil, it will clump up and become basically impossible to eat properly.

Oh shit, is this the recursive centaur??