• 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Your username made me chuckle, it’s great

If they were real friends, they would help you put it back

That last bit about the attorney fees not being a part of it is what’s wrong with the system… I assume something similar to filibustering happens in court due to that. It’s utterly immoral and ridiculous.

Why do most US lawsuits settle instead of going to trial?
It seems to me like this is just a bribe to shut up about the cause of the lawsuit. It doesn't lead to justice, and is not punitive enough in the case of large corporations. I find this disgusting and immoral, but maybe I'm getting something wrong..? I hope so. Please explain to me why this is, I'm getting irrationally angry at the fact that no one goes to trial for anything, including environmental hazards, rape, etc. Edit: Found a source that details all the good reasons to go to trial instead of settling. Personally, an admission of guilt and *real consequences* to a misdeed are incomparably more important than a slap on the wrist like a settlement. https://www.askadamskutner.com/personal-injury/dont-settle-outside-of-court/ Edit 2: I see all the replies mentioning time and costs as the biggest reasons. And I get that, rationally. But sometimes people are irrational, I can't believe 90% of lawsuits settle... (actually it's 95% - https://thelawdictionary.org/article/what-percentage-of-lawsuits-settle-before-trial-what-are-some-statistics-on-personal-injury-settlements/ )

Would love to see how this meme would look if democrat presidents ever got a democrat majority… You know… Like republicans keep getting thanks to voter suppression and gerrymandering.

Ok but Firefox is kinda bad compared to Edge, functionality wise. It beats it in privacy hands down though.