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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


For a while there was a drum and bugle corps (like a high level marching band) championship video on there.

The potato masher is another culprit.

Whenever I end up watching something from a bad channel I always delete it from my watch history, in case that affects my front page too.

No, that’s just for people who have lots of dental problems and need to have basically everything replaced with veneers. Some very wealthy people do have this done for aesthetics, but it’s not common. The more common thing is for kids or teenagers or have braces put on their teeth so they grow in place better. I had them from age 12-14.

-Starlight by Muse is probably in your style with the long held passages, if you’ve got the high range for it.

-Mr. Brightside is always fun, and it’s almost all one note!

-Pretty much anything by the Goo Goo Dolls

-All For You by Sister Hazel

-Learn to Fly by the Foo Fighters

I like a lot of 90s and early 2000s stuff :)