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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I never organized any parties in my entire life because I know for a fact this would happen to me.

As for advice? Well, don’t organize any more parties. People like us are just the npc’s in “real”(neurotypical) people’s lives. I tried to fight this notion for years but it’s honestly much less painful to just accept it and move on.

Do we “deserve” this? Fuck no, but infants dying from hunger don’t deserve that either and they still end up stone cold dead. Radical acceptance > futilely fighting against an enemy we can never defeat.

If it makes you feel any better, I have a degree in journalism and I graduated in 2008.

I’ve never used it. 4 years of college and tens of thousands down the drain for no discernible reason, only to graduate in the worst recession in a century and subsequently never getting hired in my field.

To add insult to injury, the few peers I know who did “make it” are working terrible hours, weekends, … and they make peanuts. So maybe my failing was a blessing in disguise? It might be the same way for you.

Every single day I think “today they’ll finally realize what a hack I am” and that it’s just a matter of time before an astute boss finally recogizes that I’m wasting the company’s time and money.

Been there for 9 years now, but the feeling never, ever goes away. I doubt it’s impostor syndrome . I’m pretty sure it’s good ol’ incompetence in my case.

I just completed a task (setting a certain appointment) that I had been putting off for about TWO MONTHS.
It took ~5 minutes and there was ZERO pain. I even anticipated this. There was no reason to think it would be hard in any kind of way. Why am I like this?? Why is my brain such mush when it comes to my executive functioning while several other parts of my mental being are more than fine or even slightly supercharged (when I'm not depressed or out of mania) The kicker? The appointment isn't for a doctor or a dentist or something else that would be "normal" to dread. It's an appointment to pick up a brand new company car. A 2023 Mercedes EQA to the tune of 50K€. Most people would JUMP at that kind of opportunity, but not me. No, I sit there contemplating whether I even deserve a car that costs twice my annual salary, and that I'm just deluding myself into thinking I'm a valued part of society, that someone will realize they made a mistake and such a car was never meant for me (or "anyone like me"). This after a double dose of 15mg ritalin, by the way. Without it I would never have been able to push myself over that limit to begin with. Fuckin' a...

I’ve been near suicidally depressed for two decades and everything psychedelic is highly illegal here in Belgium. There are no exceptions for clinical trials or whatnot.

I’ve determined to somehow get my hands on some because the alternative is that I finally end it all (runs in the family).

But I have no idea how/where. Fucking stuck forever…

IT in Flanders, Belgium. Company cars are almost a given for white collar jobs and even many blue collar ones here since regular income from work is taxed to high heavens. Companies look for other ways to compensate employees without actually having to raise their base salary. Just recently this shifted to electric-only, so most company fleets now are stopping leases on diesel & gas cars and replacing them with EV’s.

Neither would I, but the majority of these cars are going into corporate fleets. I’ll have one at the end of the year. I assume corporate isn’t going to pay for the optionals so I’ll be stuck with a crippled car through no choice of my own.

I own both cats and snakes and people never believe me when I say the cats do much more damage to me than the snakes (even though they do bite from time to time).

Still happy to let them sleep in my bed (the cats, not the snakes).

The wait was about 9 months.

I’m currently waiting for one (appointment is made) but I’m honestly not sure I’ll survive that long.