Oh, it’s bullshit. It’s a bunch of cockfucking bullshit.
You’re sitting, waiting for the bus, trying to look down the street to see if you notice the bus coming. What do you see instead? White. Just an all encompassing blinding white light which just consumes all reality and everything you’re experiencing right now.
NOW how am I supposed to know if I should be getting my bus pass out? Also, 50% chance my retinas were just singed to a crisp.
What’s wrong with hilariouschaos.com?
No. Decentralization is not inherently a good thing. The OPTION of decentralization is a good thing.
The power of Lemmy isn’t the fact thzt it’s so fractured. That in itself isn’t a selling point.
The selling point is that IF a community is problematic, you have the OPTION of fragmenting away from the toxic behavior.
But until a community proves itself to need an alternative, fragmenting only serves to HURT the fediverse. Not help.
One community with 50 users is 10x more powerful than 5 replica communities with 10 users each.
I disagree with this rule. Please retract it. If someone just wants to post pictures of their pets, I want to see those pictures. It doesn’t have to be the only acceptable content, but it SHOULD be acceptable content!