Lux (it/they)

Nob bindry

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Some terfs are saying it is a slur to try to get people to stop calling the that

r/195 was the original group. The name came form the creator’s dorm number, and it had the same rule that current 196 has. r/195 was closed, iirc because the creator didn’t want to moderate it anymore. r/196 was created as a continuation of r/195. r/196 died with reddit, and moved to this community on lemmy.

That is obviously not what the creator intended

Just prompts me for download. On android jerboa

Ok but the little one is pretty much the size of a medium dog

They can be and is used as a singular pronoun

Whats that style of skirt called

I know it’s about following convention, and most of these make sense between the image and the caption, but the duck is just a duck, and there’s no reason it can’t be used for anything else

You see centrist, I see far-left

Idk if I’m missing a joke or something, but epidermis is skin, not hair

  1. There’s nothing in the rules banning it
  2. It funny

2 and 3 are liars, the asshole line is misdirection

So? Tax them anyway. That would get more money.

I know it’s a joke, but “I think, therfore I am” just means that you can be sure of your own existence, it doesn’t mean anything for other people/things.

Is every russian complicit in their government’s actions?

Tax the wealthy instead

Why the repeat image in the corner?

Oh, would you rather drop the ticks you remove on the floor?

Woah you know excel?!

Yes it does? It doesn’t directly remove them, but it does allow you to see them and remove them yourself

The Demon of Babylon desguises itself in the coat of the righteous

Kidney stones or lung cancer 🤔

Revolting, thank you

I agree with OOP, looks epic. But yeah, I’d rather see modern churches burning than historically important ones

Just take a shower afterwards

Protect no people, enforce no laws, know no laws?

A lot more once i can jump higher than anyone on the planet

Im assuming it’s a resident evil thing, but i haven’t played any of the games so i can’t confirm

I think it’s funny, and I am the one who decides what is funny (you must laugh now)