i like linux, math and video games i guess
dunno what to say
also am french
also very lazy
so lazy i’m gonna stop this bio right here
If having a reaction to physical damage (like moving away) is enough to be qualified as pain, then some plants feel pain too. We studied in biology a plant that when cut/eaten by animals releases chemicals that warn plants around it and triggers them to release another chemical that interferes with animal’s digestive system and make them starve (I don’t remember the name of the plant unfortunately). So should we consider this as pain too ?
there are many other examples here too:wikipedia
man I hate philosophy
Bacterias are living creatures as well, yet I doubt most vegans have an issue with them
edit: I don’t even know why I picked bacterias as an example when I could just have chosen plants, which are by definition alive too
Just because something can’t feel pain, does that mean we should hurt it ?
Maybe we don’t have the same definition of hurting, but I can’t see how “hurting” works with something that can’t feel pain. Like can you hurt a chair ?
Shrödinger’s extinction