I want to thank you for mentioning your belief that violence is not a good answer, because it prompted me to read up on the Stonewall riots before using it in a reply, which lead me to learning a lot more about the LGBTQIA+ community’s long struggle for equality in the United States than I expected.
Your use of the word “woke” in this thread suggests that your ban from gaming discussions probably arises from others concluding you aren’t the kind of person they want to associate with.
When Republicans’ lawyers actually have to define it under oath, here’s what they say:
DeSantis’ general counsel, Ryan Newman, responded that the term means “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”
Believing “wokeness” (as everyone defines it when they’re being honest) to be evil seems like a position that’s hard to support, at least without maintaining an intentional veil of ignorance.
When you say “political agenda” do you mean, “people trying to be treated fairly and other people trying to prevent that”? I suppose that is technically a political agenda.