Signore dei mari, lmao

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Sir, you are a chad.

Im putting the link in the comment so if anyone needs it they can find it easily

Ohhh okay very interesting, thank you. I will add the list to my followed as well.

That’s cool but you can’t search through it and the way the list is displayed makes it so there is no game title in text so Ctrl+F isn’t possible either. Am I missing something?

Is there a way to tell if a game is using this crap?

EDIT 3: Another auto-updated list of games to avoid that use Denuvo

EDIT: found this list, will leave it here in case someone needs it. (REPORTED TO BE OUTDATED)

EDIT 2: also as they pointed out in the comments (for Steam users) this list is more updated, and if you follow it, it shows you if a game uses denuvo or not when you are browsing a game’s store page.