Would Ultimate HIIT Workout for People Who Get Bored Easily - Fat Burning HIIT Cardio Workout hit the spot?–I mean, HIIT the spot?
Thanks! Valuable insight.
I’m definitely a proponent of using my downtime to find ways of making the job better, but I realize I need to be careful. During a fulfillment job I had during quiet times I usually cracked open the Windows PowerShell to see if I could improve processes with any programming scripts. Not sure if it’s what got me fired, but I’d imagine it didn’t help things. 😆
Everyone here is providing some great suggestions, but if I may, I’d like to challenge you to think of it a different way…
How can you set up your life so that work becomes a distraction from your phone?
Anytime I’m distracted it’s usually because I’m not engaged enough. This might mean asking my employer for more challenging work, switching jobs, or creating a side hustle to become my new job.
Distract yourself from eating.
What I mean is: while I was making bank in tech I was on the road to getting married and establish myself as a tech expert, which means dating, networking, getting to know people (I’m an introvert, so it’s rough). I’d spend time on a date with people and not necessarily starve myself, but food took a back seat to taking a walk, starting a chat, just getting to know people. As someone who has always battled his weight I was finally starting to look like I WANTED to look.
But then when I hit a financial snag (a string of bad clients/employers–would NOT recommend this career move) I was basically financially constrained to my house. No going out, not even to a coffee shop. Without the privilege of going out and finding friends/love/acceptance can you guess how I have to find comfort? You guessed it! Even though I stay active I’ve found it’s very hard to keep weight down.
I only say this to make the point: if you can afford it, distract yourself from food.
FitnessBlender has a few “People who get bored easily” workouts. As an ADHD-er I often followed them. I still work out, but I don’t follow the videos as much.