• 6 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023

...except that Sam & Frodo get all the way to Mount Doom and Frodo realizes he forgot the ring back at home in the Shire

FitnessBlender has a few “People who get bored easily” workouts. As an ADHD-er I often followed them. I still work out, but I don’t follow the videos as much.

Is Fear of Repetitions a Thing? Can’t find a lot of information…
One thing I've found is that I have kind of a fear of repetition. Usually this manifests at work if I'm in a job that's repetitive. I have this kind of out of body experience where it's almost like I wonder how long I've been there and how many times I've done the thing. And in college I always tried to sit in a random seat for lectures. Any time I felt I sat in the same seat more than once I would start to feel anxious. I've somehow been able to cope exercising, not sure how since I take a few laps around my block when it's still dark out. I think it might be that I set a timer? I'm not sure, but there are times when I get that anxiety when I repetitive exercises. I've been trying to research online for ways of coping, but I'm not finding much. The link I posted seems to be just an article on phobias in general, and "dittophobia" sounds like something someone just made up.

What flavors do you find “grounding?”
Title is basically it. For me, it's usually coffee, or anything spicy, like cayenne pepper. Apple cider vinegar usually does it, too.

Thanks! Valuable insight.

I’m definitely a proponent of using my downtime to find ways of making the job better, but I realize I need to be careful. During a fulfillment job I had during quiet times I usually cracked open the Windows PowerShell to see if I could improve processes with any programming scripts. Not sure if it’s what got me fired, but I’d imagine it didn’t help things. 😆

Everyone here is providing some great suggestions, but if I may, I’d like to challenge you to think of it a different way…

How can you set up your life so that work becomes a distraction from your phone?

Anytime I’m distracted it’s usually because I’m not engaged enough. This might mean asking my employer for more challenging work, switching jobs, or creating a side hustle to become my new job.

As an AHDHer how are receptionist jobs for you? Anyone got stories? I’m needing to step outside my comfort zone and asking folks who have been there before
I'm in tech and working with a guy on a very small project, but I'm definitely not able to make ends meet (thankfully family & friends have pulled me out several months lately). I've also been looking for a stop-gap job until I find a tech company that actually knows how to hire. But even that seems to be really difficult. Like most ADHDers, I have a processing disorder. Grocery stores trigger panic attacks. Monotony also triggers it. I'm also not good with detail-oriented tasks (so that leaves something like electronics manufacturing off the table). But I am a hard worker. No matter the pay, I will go above and beyond for my team to get a job done. I'm scouring indeed and Craigslist trying to find something I can get in the interim. For other ADHDers, what has your experience been doing a receptionist job? Is it ADHD hell? Or am I over-blowing the mistakes I'd probably make into major catastrophes? I realize it all depends on the employer. But what stories do people have (positive or negative) who have been receptionists?

How do you handle being misunderstood?
I'm sure lots of ADHDers know what I mean. Situations where you're not meaning ill intent, but the way that a situation turns out makes it seem like you're the bad guy/girl. How do you handle the situation without seeming like a victim or that you're making excuses for yourself? Do you explain the situation or just accept it and hope that enough time will reveal your true character?

Distract yourself from eating.

What I mean is: while I was making bank in tech I was on the road to getting married and establish myself as a tech expert, which means dating, networking, getting to know people (I’m an introvert, so it’s rough). I’d spend time on a date with people and not necessarily starve myself, but food took a back seat to taking a walk, starting a chat, just getting to know people. As someone who has always battled his weight I was finally starting to look like I WANTED to look.

But then when I hit a financial snag (a string of bad clients/employers–would NOT recommend this career move) I was basically financially constrained to my house. No going out, not even to a coffee shop. Without the privilege of going out and finding friends/love/acceptance can you guess how I have to find comfort? You guessed it! Even though I stay active I’ve found it’s very hard to keep weight down.

I only say this to make the point: if you can afford it, distract yourself from food.

But the superpower of ADHD is being Jack-of-all-Trades.

Specialists are valuable, but when they specialize themselves into a corner, a generalist can usually get them out.

Anyone else wish for a federated version of LinkedIn?
My tendency seems to be owning my own business and freelancing until I die (until I get stable enough to build my own products). I've been trying to connect with more business-minded people--"average of 5 people" type of mentality. Currently it seems that the only way of doing this is LinkedIn. But obviously, LinkedIn is creepy. Any other people think this? How having a federated business networking platform would be awesome?