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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


Yes, I do that too. And if I have to prepare something before an appointment I might make preparation its own calendar event, with reminders.

Online calendar with a widget on my phone’s homescreen that shows the upcoming week’s appointments, so that I constantly see them by accident. And a habit to always put important appointments in the calendar immediately when I’m made aware of them or plan them.

And always have the calendar open in a browser on the computer.

I think it might vary from person to person and over time. Coffee usually has no effect on me, unless I overdose and get all shaky and cold sweaty. But since a year ago I’ve been having a hard time sleeping if I drink it after 18:00. I used to be able to have a cup right before bed no problem but not any more.

You guys got good at one of the two?

Do I ever? Lol I do nothing but. That’s my entire life.

It’s pretty much a lime then, maybe it’ll ripen if you leave it in there.

$300 a month? That’s so fucked. I’m assuming USA. I’m paying like $20 for Elvanse.

This comment makes me suspect you have ADHD. ;)

So far only pretty obvious ones such as the correlation between depression and more time in bed/less working out/eating etc. But you never know what use you might have from logging things, for instance I went back to see if gluten affected my mood and energy levels, and even if I didn’t log gluten specifically I could sort of extract that info from my food logs and compare it to my logged perceived energy levels and mood (I found no correlation).

You never know if your breakfast routine might change in the future.

I started documenting a bunch of things every day to try and find patterns in how things affect my mental well-being. How much I sleep, when I wake up, when I get up, when and what I eat, how many steps I’ve taken that day, if I’ve worked out and how much, etc etc etc.

The only thing waiting for me on the kitchen table in the morning is my meds so when I sit down to eat the bottle is right there. I also made a habit of writing down all my meals, including breakfast, in a document and I’ve started writing down the meds right next to the breakfast column.

Well, I saw someone calling ADHD erectile dysfunction of the mind, so…

Congrats, OP. We all know the very real problem that is. I have several of those waiting to get done, some are even things I want to do! You’ve earned a cookie.

Yup. After jumping between full-time jobs and unemployment for many years. It wasn’t until I had studied fun things at the university for over three years that I finally started to recover. Eventually I think I recovered fully, only to then end up in unemployment and here we go again…

Calendar app synced to all devices, with a couple of different calendars in it for easy sorting. Task managing app. (I’m in the process of switching from Trello to Obsidian for tasks to try to incorporate them into the rest of my note taking activities. Oh also - an app for taking notes and writing things down)

Sound good! I think I can squeeze that in between 9:45 and 10:15 on Tuesdays.

I love weekends for their lack of work things, but I hate my ADHD because the weekends just pass and I get nothing done, neither important things nor fun things. So they just go to waste.

For me it’s the clock and the weather app, because their widgets are next to each other. So many times while cooking I’m going to set a timer and end up thinking “oh it’s sunny outside, neat… 🤔”

You mean to just type here as a comment or do you have a poll poll somewhere?