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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I mean he literally said “Habits are things they automatically do, without thinking. They don’t have to decide to do them.”

That’s not true, everybody has to think about whether they’re going to start some activity or not, muscle memory helps with e.g. driving so you don’t need to think about how much to press the pedal or turn the wheel when driving, but you still have to think about where you’re going (though I guess that can be relatively automatic by itself if it’s somewhere where you regularly go).

What I’m guessing might be a difference is that for other people it’s easier to start the activity itself because they feel an urge to do it, like they’re doing something bad if they don’t or that they feel their teeth being dirty if they don’t brush them.

From what I’ve heard (take this with a huge grain of salt) is that the posts themselves shouldn’t take up much of your storage. The biggest thing that could take up your storage are images, but they are only stored on the instances where the community in which they were posted in is.