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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I think that while everything you say is true and you are right, he is a scammer. But it would be also wrong to say he didn’t impact a few men in positive light.

He lit a fire under Men to get up and fix their life through anger and agression. Its the only positive I see. True, I have seen more radicalised with fucking cigars in their mouth doing jackshit and ruining themselves, maybe that is fate telling wokes to wake up and see something is wrong. But there are smart men who indeed get motivated by Tate and i’ve seen body transformation vids too on it.

This is good as an individual to be successful, healthy, happy, agressive, smart, strong, wise. This is freedom. To forget about the noise/distraction and politics and build your own beliefs, opinions and virtues.

I have always believed in taking bits and stuff from everyone and leaving the negative that doesn’t benefit me as a person bc I too have to adapt in society.

This aged well. I’ve been seeing people go political on lemmy. I’m not even subscribed to anything. Im im on /all posts.

I agree to this to some extent. However as you say, letting Men live how they want by being free is what modern society have always been telling them. Yet no purpose, no goals, dreams, motivation? Every human needs a mentor to guide them through life. If you look into stoism, you will understand what I am saying. These ancient greek gods knew their stuff and they were emperors and masters for good reason.

I agree with what you said. However it also worth pointing out that I have seen individual Men going to the gym, improving their mental, physical, emotional and even career after watching a few Tate videos.

The thing is you can use Andrew Tate as a source of motivation whilst not agreeing with his beliefs and opinions. Although, this seems more of a difficult task for some, I managed to do this. Take a bit of red and blue pill to have a better understanding of the world around you.

100% agree. Modern day society tells Men to actively express their emotions and feelings without actually providing good, logical advice that helps improves Mens lives and get them out of their depressive states.

Instead of teaching Men to observe and regulate their emotions to become better and find purpose. Now society is encouraging to trap them in an emotional cycle where we need to be dependent on people.

And still society wonders why so many Men are radicalised by gurus like Tate which is also no good as it comes with mysoginistic opinions and same old conservative beliefs how Women should be treated.

However, whether people like Tate or not. He definetly has impacted Men and lit a fire underneath. Maybe improved individual lives. After all, Tate saw a weakness in society (Men depression and suicide) and took advantage of it for his own personal gains.

What society needs now is actual Male Role Models. This is where ancient greek philosophy Stoism can be useful to be taught in educational systems.

Let’s go. I just really do wish this social platform does not get taken over by corporate greed or becomes a political right/left platform.