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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Should I bother reporting these at this point?

If you really wanted to make him mad you’d have left the damn thing blank.

These are just adding threads to his golden parachute.

Now if we could somehow get LinkedIn. It will be the last core of evil pro corporatism.

I’m just shocked this isn’t a field study. This seems like somthing we’d need in order to make ethical choices.

I whould disagree with shared accountability. At least for the purposes of this metric. Regardless of number of people other participating in the mechanisms causing these deaths, this is about an individual choice to participate.

Think of it like the classic button button of death. You press the button some random person you dont know but dies and you get $10k. It is 100% certain regardless of how many people have previously pressed the button that you will kill somone of you also the button.

In regards to the most dangerous I agree with farming and some foods are much worse then others. My doctor tells me to eat a banana every day to raise my potassium. I suspect the death number on those is huge compared to apples from my local apple orchard.

Ha! I remember this one.I think that exact quote from may be what caused me ponder this over many years.

I will try to get into those studies when I have better time to digest that knowledge but I thank you for sharing them.

This could be used. Though the examples here here are more oriented to risk of death for doing X. Micromorts could probably be used in determining values I am thinking of.

I am terrible at math so excuse the terrible example.

Let’s say working in a sweatshop in Vietnam has a micromort of .6 and the resouce you are calculating uses up to one third of these shops. Then you’d be adding .3 to your count.

We can say 1000 micromorts is one probable death.

I agree with this. And if a study on this where to include this data thatd be really good.

But I also thinks that’s too hard to quantify. Even achieving proper data on death caused specifically from labour operations is going to be extreamly tough as the places causing these deaths will deny all accountability.

It’s not far off from that. Though I don’t really belive in any kind if afterlife I belive we need to do our best while we in the boring place.

But I also belive the consequences of our daily actions, purchases ect. are obscured from us. Shirt conpanies are not exactlly going to willing advertise that by purchusing ther product your resonsbile for .0005 deaths. So it can be a bit difficult to know where we actually stand morally.

No. It’s just a terrible thought that plagues my mind from time to time. My goal whould be to keep that number as low as possible.

is there a study out there to calculate the “kill count” of every day things?
I'm going to horribly oversimply this. For example. Say I am wearing a shirt a cheap one for Wal-Mart. This shirt was produced in a sweat shop. That sweat shop has .0005 deaths per day. Thus by wearing this shirt and supporting the mechanisms that brought it to me. I have a killcount for today a number substantially smaller then .0005 and obviously there's a tonne of subjectivity on what that number might be. Now include the dye factory that made the shirt green, the shoes I am wearing, the bus I am riding in, the coffee I drink. All these luxuries and that number may go up a little. I am wondering if this is somthing that is being considered anywhere is somone building a calculation to determine our daily kill counts. I'm sure most of us probably don't what to know what ours might be, but knowing what parts of our daily lives have the highest values we might work harder to change for the better.