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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


10% of 250 million is 25 million and millions of people could not be wrong. Checkmate!

Oh yeah, that’s how Google will justify it. But meanwhile Apple is working to meet them halfway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnLbv6QYcA
one button laptop, by Apple

The carcinogenic part is true unfortunately. Frying foods results in chemical reactions that produce thousands of new molecules some of which could be carcinogenic, including acrylamide. We don’t even characterize the complete set of molecules, we just lump them all together under names like “caramelization” or “Maillard reaction”. But fuck it, if I knew all I had to eat for the rest of my life was raw broccoli, that’s not a life worth living.

Trolleybuses can use renewable electricity from wind and solar. This works today, right now. Diesel is still fossil carbon coming out of the ground and burned. It would be a different story if we could synthesize diesel using electricity, or used 100% biodiesel, but currently we can’t and we don’t.

Is it stealing if I mute the ad? Is it stealing if I close my eyes? How long before youtube starts hiding the sound volume button during ad breaks?

All human color technology - paintings, photographs, screens, lighting - is optimized to stimulate the three types of human retinal cone cells. The exact sensitivity of each cone type to light across the spectrum is not even as important as the relative levels of activation of the three cones by the light. Which is why when some light activates 100% of “red” cones and 100% of “green” cones you see it as yellow, regardless of whether the light is a broad-spectrum light from an incandescent lamp or a single frequency 575nm LED light. This is also why only 3 numbers (0-255, 0-255, 0-255) is enough to describe every color that humans can ever see.

Other animals can have different number of types of cone cells, and the light-sensitive pigments in them can be slightly different from human ones, having different spectrum response curves. Bees in particular can see ultraviolet light, and flowers have designs on them that can only be seen in UV, specifically for bees.

An arbitrary photograph will not appear color-photorealistic to other animals the way it does to us, but animals can still see shapes in it and identify objects, the same way you can recognize people even in a photo-negative.

When Macedonia became an independent country following dissolution of Yugoslavia in 1993 and applied to be a member in the UN, Greece has blocked its application for years, arguing that its name could be confused with the Greek province of Macedonia or the ancient Kingdom of Macedonia (whose historical territory spanned both countries), and could possibly lead to future nationalist territorial conflicts. For decades Macedonia was referred to as “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” in all UN documents, or FYROM for short. It was only in 2018 when its people voted in a referendum to officially rename their country “North Macedonia” that Greece relented and North Macedonia was able to finally fully join the UN, the EU, and NATO.

If Russia really wanted to negotiate without having to acknowledge Ukrainian sovereignty, they could refer to Ukraine as the “NATO Puppet Regime of the Province Formerly Known as Ukraine” (NPRPFKU) and the end result would be the same. Oh wait, you were asking morally, not practically?

Oh wow, the software will shout in capslock? I just copied the description from imgflip, it capitalizes everything without asking. THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW THIS IS A PROBLEM!

Image description - Cuphead Rage Flower meme Me seeing cheap and expensive nuts mixed together for sale on the shelf Me buying expensive nuts and mixing in cheap nuts myself [Edited for CAPSLOCK]