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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 05, 2023


Just accepting that it was really affecting my life. After that I went and got therapy and meds. Really helped me learn how to handle myself. I’m a better person because of it.

It was explained to me that my drive was primarily based on my bipolar disorder. Since that is now gone I have to develop an alternative to stay motivated. I’ve been told to take it slow, day by day and work up to doing bigger and bigger things. I don’t think I’ll ever be a workaholic again. My life is simple and I get a little more productive everyday without burnout.

No more racing thoughts hamstringing my abilty to do stuff. No more unreliable surges of motivation. I’m much more consistent and stable. But i still have to temper my expectations regarding what I can get done in a day.

Dude I went through that. They took me off adderall and put me on lithium and zoloft. I still have trouble focusing, but life is so much better.

Thats one of the few things that can make me overcome my natural tendencies. I’ll snipe those tickets out of pure spite. Fuck airlines.

LAUSD in the late nineties man. Fucking garbage.

I mean the dryer always has someone elses clothes in it, so as soon as i see its empty i all my laundry.