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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


The problem is that what they belive in is hundreds of years old. Back when all of that was written this was perfectly acceptable and in some cases even more humane than what was practiced at that time is. The problem is that the world changed a lot and what they belive in didn’t.

Ok I hate that you are beeing down voted. The downvote button is not the “I disagree” button, but more like a “this does not help the discussion” button. And your point was fair and your opinion. If you agree or not does not matter. That’s the point of a discussion for fucks sake.

Pls don’t get to that reddit point of downvoting. The downvote behavior was so nice here the first few weeks, after I joined, but got so much worse after the last very big reddit migration wave.

The peoblem is funding as allways. Both of them are similar and both of them are very expensive. Especially if you look at the USA, what I’m guessing this post if referencing. Your network is so unbelievably bad it takes a lot of muny to build up anything. And even if you had intercity routes, you still need public transit in those cities to get there. Otherwise people have to drive there by car and if there already in the car they can just drive the whole way. And you would need huge parking spaces. Parking spaces (especially in the USA) are a big problem. The point of a train station is to be in the middle of the city. So directly between shops and stuff like that. Huge ass parking spaces don’t allow that, because you first have to walk some time to get to some “civilization”

(Yea sorry for the rant. Just can’t believe how fucked up the USA is regarding car dependency)

And that is already happening in a small scale. All those natural disasters that are happening all over the world. And especially the poorer country’s on the south half of the globe are struggling with stuff like wood fires, smaller harvests because of the heat. And it’s all just going to get worse. I hate humanity.

Your comments confuse me. What the hell are you trying to say?

I actually enjoy that the algorithm is not that good. I hate it that every site nowadays just throws everything they think you want at you. It’s so refreshing to just see what people are posting without that complex stuff going on in the back.

And then there is mc Donald’s and similar chains. They managed to avoid all three of those things