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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


That sucks, I hope this isn’t a statement about the “Mini-Pc” market in general. I’ve been thinking about getting one as a “Steam machine/ emulation station” for a long time but the stars never really lined up.

I’ve got a full sized PC in the front room getting long in the tooth and looking ridiculous that could easily be replaced. But while the 970 still plays Dave the Diver, well there’s other shit money can be spent on.

Wasn’t meant as a reply, pressed the wrong thing, my bad

In lieu of a better source I found this BuzzFeed News article with the Google search “Raspberry pi mastodon controversy”. Though I admit I had no idea what op might be talking about until this moment. Some zingers by BF in there though:

She added, “I don’t think any of the people complaining here would not call the police if their house was burgled.” When BuzzFeed News pointed out that police don’t surveil burglars, Upton agreed that’s true.
