I exist or something probably

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


politics complaint aside, your observation about people using this to complain about a neopronoun seems apt. none of the content of complaints about drag’s use of neopronouns actually seem relevant to drag’s use of neopronouns. someone trolling with neopronouns is trivially handled by just accepting the neopronouns…

Gasoline burns accidentally when fumes are released, as the stoichiometric mixture has to be pretty specific to combust.

Gasoline in a gas tank does not achieve this mixture. That’s the entire job of the fuel pump and throttle in modern cars. As the other user said, there are lots of sparks and live electricity in a car crash, it’s just not easy to set gasoline on fire or make it explode.

Diesel does not appear to achieve this vapor mixture readily at standard temp and pressure, like gasoline does, and therefore is technically safer in this specific regard.

Mice also get eaten by the various predators that would move in to eat them.

So does breaking a nail chewing habit. Brains are funky things.

It’s a fun game to call failures of rhetoric someone else’s failure of reading comprehension. Flimsy, too.

You would benefit from being specific when making a comment where your exact words are wholesale endorsement of someone’s worldview. Turning around and immediately changing the entire thesis of your comment makes it seem like your goal was to be contrarian rather than add to the discussion.

A. "Don’t surround yourself with extremists.

I’d surround myself with extreme centrists instead"

B. “That is shallow”

You. “They see modern issues better than you. (…)”

You may want to rethink how you provide endorsement in general, if someone pointing out how shallow of a belief something that is inarguably shallow encourages you to claim that other someone, off of a single comment, literally sees the world better.

Have a good one.

Centrism isn’t magically enlightened. Depending on the climate it’s arguably incredibly naive. “Radical centrism” just sounds like having no internal philosophy.