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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2024


thats a real problem, took me ages to figure out.

After 2 Years of ritalin, those kind of regrets and feelings subside, and I had them all my life.

I guess my perception of self worth changed.

I tried to be successfull, because i didnt know what it felt like to feel good about myself.

It’s a thing like learning the guitar, being really giid at it, but you don’t have to show it to your frineds, you just do it for yourself.

So, that with the guitar happened to me.

The first thing is to get rid of depression. In my case, i tried lots of things. lots and lots.

I always hoped:

“I do the thing X, AND THEN I’LL BE SUCCESSFULL, from then on, i will function like other people!”

But that was never ever the case.

Only thing that helped was ritalin, and learning to let it all go, slowly, you will fuind things you are good at.

In my case, I started with my adhd diagnosis. then i got good at selling car parts and playing the guitar. dropped the car parts thing though, i am outstandingly good at it, but still not able to deal with people.

oh, i guess i was suicidal for twenty years… on and off.

No. people ask for help, I tell them what i think.

I didn’t give you medical advice. What I said about salt is Nutrition and common sense.

You don’t need to be a doctor to learn whats up with your body, how it works, what it needs, what stims do to it. doctors didnt tell you about salt, how stims speed up metabolic basal rate, why your hearth acts the way it does.

many peopoe struggle with zoloft, experst seem divided. antidepressants don’t help Depresseion any way, long term. anxiety, maybe. yes, thats been proven.

wellbutrin: you describe an overdose.

one reason could be you were lacking salt. sounds stuüpid, but is very easy to test. just eat salt.

honestly, that sounds like overdose and mineral / vitamin deficency, some people will even lose hair because they just dont eat right.

  1. medication interaction could be a reason
  2. overdose
  3. you dont eat right (protein, fat, vegtables)
  4. you are insuline resistent
  5. in my case, i am grain allergic without knowing it, stopped etaing grains, that helped
  6. you could be out of salt and different minerals

so. you take uppers and downers at the same time. you take blood pressure altering meds. you take ssri while having adhd, AND stimulants on top.

a couple of things:

stimulants WILL speed up your metabolic rate. thats why they give you brain energy, and a bit of body energy. Its what you want. but the blood pressure thing interferes big time, as does the ssri. the ssri tries to slow your metabolic rate down, thats why it interferes with blood sugar levels, for example.

the salt thing is easy, just eat or drink salt. overdose is also easy, i just took half. eating is also easy, just eat right.

so essentially, what you are trying to do is not possible. it will get worse and worse and worse.

MY problem for anxeity was grain allergy.

you have a very high chance that your anxiety has a reason.

i did get of my antidepressants, and went to baseline, so i could get a feeling how stims work in combination with other substances, this went on for almost 2 years till i figured it all out.

(talk that through with your help provider… thats what i did. )

I garantuee you that what you do will not work at all.

try the salt and eat more good stuff, that cant harm you. but if this doesnt work, you have to reconsider. try taking less.

signs of food allergy:

bloating, stomach cramps. you need 60 sheets of toilet paper, stomach ache, migraines, heart arythmia, anxiety, drepression, skin problems, hair looks dirty, pimples, black spot under eyes, sore throat, dry thorat, white trush on tongue, panic attacs, paranoia thoughts, congested nose, vitamin deficency

yea, ssri does kinda complement adhd meds, because of serotonin dopamin relase and stuff.

but that still leaves the fact that one does speed up your system, the other slows it down.

keep in mind that salt and minerals could be also the culprit. salt is insanely important for proper heart function. and your body cant really deal with a sped up metabolism, sometimes, you are right on the edge, and the stims push you over.

oh, the guanfancine lowers your blood pressure. so, on stims, your heart needs to beat faster, because your body wants to have higher blood pressure.

normally, your heart would just beat STRONGER, you see? but it isnt allowed to beat with more force, so it has to beat faster.

you have an energy usage increase of 20-30 %. thats what stims do.

keep in mind that i am just an autistic dude with adhd that had problems with insuline resistance and stimulants, so i read a lot of stuff.

i just want to give you ideas, thats all. it doesnt mean that I know whats right or wrong.

ok, take care, you will figure it out.

ah, das nützt salz eh nicht soviel, das es eine substanzwechselwirkung ist - sobald stimulanzien und antidepressiva aufeinandertreffen, wird es chaotisch.

ich bin gerade am aufhören, habe zum glück die kopfschmerzphase überwunden. hattes du eine erschöpfungsphase, nach dem du aufgehört hattest?

i ended up paying for it. 650 euros. still had to find a therapist though. met a bunch of a holes. its not worth telling what was happening, it was the usual horrorstories.

versuch wasser mit salz, hört sich bekloppt an, aber funktioniert jedes mal, wenn ich doch mal herzrasen oder herzklopfen habe. also glas wasser, salz rein, und trinken. muss so salzig sein daß du es nornalerweise nicht trinken würdest, aber nicht so, daß du reihern mußt.

grund ist: erhöhung der basalen stoffwechsel rate geht so schnell daß der körper nicht folgen kann, und du hattest zu wenig salz im system daß der körper sich einregeln kann. salz und magnesium und viele andere dinge haben wesentlich mit herzschlag zu tun, extrem viel.

zuviel salz pisst du aus, also mach dir keine sorgen.

and thats the reason i can drink coffee and go right to sleep. i was always confuesed why people made such a fuzz about me making a cup of coffee late at night.

thanks. it was the first time i did that, ever. i saw that there is a power and freedom in thast decision. i said no multiple times, that was not accepted, and i walked away to show that i am not that kind of guy. it was hurtfull to learn that i was never taken serious in a “friend friend” capacity. it is true. for them, i am just a wierd sometimes obnoxious guy that talks a lot of crazy shit. i decided that i dont need to change their perception they have about me. i also realized that it is utterly pointless to discuss it with my former friend; he thinks he is morally right to abuse our friendship, he has always had very thought out buisness arguments when it came to take advantage of sourrounding people.

like, “if they dont know i overcharge them, its ok for me and them.”

keep in mind that we are talking about friends and favours.

well *uck it.

i can live without them.

should have told me that when i was 25 :-) in my case, i realized that the queasy feeling and the unrelentless pressure i felt around people, was., in fact, fear. it began when people in my school started to form peer groups that hung around after school. yes, i had my cirlce of friends, but parties, social gatherings and stuff filled my with worry and anxiousness. i knew i didnt want to go, buit i didnt know why. at the same time, i wanted to go, because i had social needs, regardless. so i would drink. that helped a great deal. i was very social when being drunk.

well. when you have autism, you have problems identifying feelings.

the clown part about the whole thing is, i always thought that idea to be utterly ridicoulus. i perfectly knew what i was feeling at all times. i was angry or totally depressed or enthusiastic. thats about it. i had no middle feelings.

today i recognised that i have all sorts of feelings, but they are like behind a pane of milky glass, and i kinda have to guess what they are.

rejection sensivity disorder, fear of being rejectected

you have to realize that pretty much any medication that is designed to calm you down has side effects.

in my case, it all began when having high blood pressure. they gave me a beta blocker. had a huge accident , they put me on antidepressants. anti depressants make you insuline resistant. the beta blocker not as much, but it is suspected that it does.

thats the reason people gain weight when being on meds - its not so much that they eat more and are sedentary, they eat more and are sedentary because the meds make them. yes, that only happens to a majourity of people and not all of them, but the people that gain fat, have more insuline resistance that people that wont gain fat.

its easy to verify, just look in the side effects despription.

so, the more insuline resistent you are, the higher your insulin levels get. and thats not a normal state of being. it mucks up endochrine function, also glucose metabolism, i will not explain all of that now.

so, your endochrine system is kinda out of step.

but now you take all these meds, and they are influencing lots of things in your metabolism. its like throwing a spanner in a well oiled machine. stimulants are different, they are like putting a turbo on your car engine. antidepressants are like pouring sand in your engine so it slows down. it kinda works, yes.

one thing you can do, apart from optimizing your food, for possible intolerances (in my case, grains and nightshades), is to loose weight.

if you absolutely cant loose weight no matter what you do, its likely the meds. and then its up to you what to do.

realize that you once didnt have the mood issue, and now you do.

and once you didnt have the weight, and now you do.

omce you didnt took the meds, and now you do.

something is going on with you, and you dont know what, but all of this has an explanation. the body is not stupid. it does what it is supposed to do under the circumstances, via the tools you give it.

you are young, it is not aging or lack of sleep or to much screen time.

change up things and see what happens.

or it is about people learning who they are, accepting themselves, and figuring out how to stand up for their own well being.

thanks, i didnt know that. i will not do that again.

i tell people to give me a time one hour before i have to show up.

works every time.

adderal: you were put on a constant overdose my friend. can be helped.

one question, bear with me:

did you gain weight? are you fit? are you thin? are you active? do you have cravings for alcohol or sweets or high caloric food?

thats important, be truthfull

to be honest:

sounds like atomoxetine and sertaline dont work for jack *hit

what you describe was unmedicated me all my life.
you can just as well stop taking those. they dont seem to do anything.

i dont quite grasp what you are implying, and which reply we are talking about. but no, i am always like this. my explanation but not excuse is that i am an autistic dude with adhd. i am always on a crusade, its quite the curse. very stressfull.

“stimulant medications can mask depression symptoms until you fall off a cliff”

i very much doubt that. that would mean substance abuse, since you take stims to better your mood. that doesnt work, since you have to up your dose every week.

are you medicated?

normal people would classify this als bipolar episodes; but i guess the first phase is just the normal adhd you, and the second phase is the exhaustion phase.

your ability to look in the past?

do you feel like you have no real concept of time? thats real interesting. because this topic is insanely huge in me.

ritaline helped me a great deal. and cutting out grains, since i had food allergies. my anxeity went down, and my energy levels normalized. i dont have those phases anymore. i feel i was way stupider 2 years ago.

i dont do crazy shit anymore. i have the plans, but usually, they stay plans, which is great.

i had this freind, very good friend that i kinda dropped because he wasnt such a good friend after all:

he didnt believe in adhd, altough he pretty much had adhd. he drank alcohol, i took ritalin. he said i should drink instead, since i was funnier when i did. but i stopped.

to make a long story short: he said adhd is made up, ritalin is no good, what i described as mind changing is just a drug effect, and by the way, can you please stop being so goddamn unreliable?

he didnt get it till the end. adhd was like “hey squirrel” and i wasnt like that. but i was unreliable … it is just like, my charakter. no specific reason.

he would always complain about this third friend, who also has some issues - he and the third friend would work together, and the third friend would frequently have anger fits, like, illogical ones. like, losing his pen while working, and then having hour long anger issues with everybbody, while hey tried to reason with him.

I tried to explain to him that it ist about the pen at all, but about the social situation and the stress involved, and that he shouldnt always put our mutual friend in these situations when he 100% fears that our friend will have a melt down.

afterwards, he would bitch about it, like talk bad about our mutual friend.

He full on knew that our mutual friend couldnt handle a stressfull work enviroment, and put him into it regardless.

well, 3 months ago i called it quits and put a stop to all of that. walked away frome a wohle friend group.

thats what i mean. this doesnt help. ritalin helps. because when i take ritalin, i can like understand what you are saying.

its not about KNOWING things, we all know what we shuould do.

Its about executing things.

I needed 3 years of ritalin therapy before realizing that all these self managment tips from people that dont have adhd CAN’T work. I saw that because 3 years of ritalin changed me like I never did before.

the problem is: people think I am diddling around because I do nothing. before, I would do a lot of things and always have breakdowns and stop doing them. I was depressed and worse all my life, well maybe not till age fourteen.

Now, I do nothing, i am am kinda happy and pleased with my self like I never was before.

people just dont get it.

i dig being happy. But they want me to be a busybody.

But I really dont know WHY I should be. I just wanna have peace.