Concern trolling is “raising concerns” about certain issues that have little to no basis in reality and only serves to inject bigotry and bad ideas. For example, people were concerned about “the gays™” spreading their immoral gay AIDS virus all over innocent children during the 80s and into the 90s, only to learn that AIDS is spread through contact with broken mucosa membranes, which then shifted to “the gays™ are pedos” argument.
The “concerns” are nearly always disingenuous.
Sealioning is a sort of evolution of JAQing off. It’s the JAQ coupled with feigned innocence and indignance when people actually stop putting up with BS.
Actually after thinking a bit deeper about it, it mirrors Socratic Questioning, but with the opposite intended end goal of muddying the waters instead of gaining clarity.
As the community grows big corps are going to want to tap into that growth and those ad watching eyeballs, regardless if that growth is from the reddit exodus or was independent steady growth.
And with the fediverse being more decentralized and feder it does give instances a bit more power to cut off corporate bad actors from what they want, established communities with advertiser ready eyeballs.
For an IRL equivalence, just watch any Lock Picking Lawyer video featuring any Master lock. If watching how easily defeated those locks are plummets your confidence in those locks, well it’s the same idea with digital security.