Justa she/her girl in a weird weird world

Speaks: se,en,fr

Queer asf, vegan, GNU fangirl, libertarian socialist

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


They call me -------rwx

chmod 007 bruh.txt

I fucking love GNOME. Tried to use other things but I always come back to it. Gotta be one of my favorite genders of all time frfr

Reasons to learn Arabic:

✖️ Be able to speak a new language and interact with new people

✔️ Send vaguely threatening messages to non-Arabic speakers

I have worked on getting them down and now they can be counted in the hundreds :P

I hate it when my whole country gets hard and just flips over :/

Obviously not applicable to OP since they want to pirate but I’ll add my two cents and say that BTRFS would cause Steam to freeze my computer. Disabling CoW on impacted directories made the problem lesser. I have since switched to ZFS and couldn’t have been happier with it.

I love that most apps can do this now with material you. I take a lot of pictures of flowers in my garden and love the theme colors I get

No Palestine? 🤨

Landlords >:(