After a shit-traumatic event I crammed bb down my throat to chill the fuck out. It was my Tetris =P! That opening song is fucking AWFUL to sleep to. And I wouldn’t advise it for anyone personally because it has woken me from the depths a truck-ton when I was using it during that period. Counter - I am always an advocate of their earlier show dr. katz. That’s a good sleep show because it’s like a podcast and not terribly loud or “exciting” but that’s just me.
Yes, my partner watches shows on her phone too. It has to be something she knows like the back of her hand but she still likes. To be honest it’s pretty much Futurama or American Dad and she plays it with the filters on and set down a bit so it doesn’t bug me (too much). I still don’t like having tv on personally in the house. I also have a Sony alarm clock that everyone hates for being “too dark” but it’s the only led I allow in my bedroom. Everything else is painted over with acrylic, turned off or taped over. It keeps things from distracting me. If you don’t like sleeping in the dark - find what you do like sleeping in. They sell multi-colored lights you can find your own rhythm and if you’re interested in a partner(s) down the line (or have one currently) there’s surely either something a) you both/all can agree on or b) will find that magical glass slipper of a person who likes the same sleep setup as you =P!
If you let any electronics come into your bed and you are attempting to sleep, you’ve already lost. But if you read on your devices try to turn off everything you plausibly can in order to setup an environment conducive to reading. You could also grab an ereader and load it up with a couple of books (not too many, you’ll get overwhelmed) and take them down bit by bit. Put on some soft music with a timer if you need some noise. Or get used to the silence, which I don’t think I was super into when I was younger but for sure got easier and more desirable as I got older.
Put your phone across the room on a charger if you can - because it’ll not only help with falling asleep but also waking up. Because you gotta drag your ass outta bed to get it. If you live somewhere terribly cold leave your clothes under your sheets with your phone at the base of the bed. Try and keep them folded up so they don’t look like smashed up shit.
My partner sleeps with tv on every night, but she watches it on her phone so everyone’s got their something. In extreme measures (when I am trying to force a habit) I have all my electronics shut down at a set time. But I am pretty okay with myself right now. Just figured I’d share what works. But you gotta find your own rhythm.
One last thing is - if you get medicated you pass out like the dead all night. At least in my case. So you know, find what works.
p.s. - WORKOUT! Do eet! Get yourself as tired as a sleepy dog.
p.p.s. - Washi paper =)!
Yo, that’s totally cool. Fuck meditation then, fuck all the rest of the shit. You might need to run your ass like a dog. NGL. OR! Just be an agent of chaos and own it and be fucking open with the people you’re around “Hello, my name is _ and I am an agent of chaos” and then laugh maniacally and just fucking own that you make crazy shit happen. My girlfriend and I are both AuDHD and she does the craziest shit in this world. Shit that I wouldn’t believe if I hadn’t been around her. I fucking shit you not, I SHIT YOU NOT! I mean 10xs over I shit you not - she has just been minding her own business when shit just flies out of the sky around her. And I would never in a million years believe that shit, but I have seen it happen. And I saw it happen recently. And it’s fucking insane, and it makes me realize there might be more to this world than we know. But for sure, you just be you. Cause I think my girlfriend said it best. It’s better to be unmedicated and here, than medicated and one foot out the door. So please, just be aware that your way is totally valid too =)
Aww man, this sounds fucking awful - but 10/10 just accepting myself. Because
a) you know what to look for when you are doing yourself dirty
b) you know what to not accept when others are doing you dirty
c) you know what to fess up over when you do others dirty
d) you can self-regulate within your own control “adulting”
e) you have sooo much less shame about existing
Second most, Adderall XR. It’ll knock your ass out at the end of the day, so you’re not up at 2 am snickering about something stupid or waking up feeling like some sort of cave-goblin and hating life because you stayed up to 2 am snickering about something stupid. But you gotta figure out what works for you. Also your dosage. Also, don’t listen to people on Youtube. Half of them are probably shills, bots or agents of chaos and the majority of people on Youtube (as a whole) suck. They’re always trying to sell you something, or be overly dramatic to entertain. But they don’t act like real humans. I like weird music and long-form essays and I think without those two being on Youtube I wouldn’t touch the place because I can’t stand seeing videos with pictures like “WOAH! 100% QUICKER WAY TO REVERSE YOUR WHAT!?” and the person in the picture is going ٩(☉‿☉)ง!!!
Follow what feels right to you though, you don’t have to listen to me. I’m just some asshole on the internet =P
*This person isn’t advocating it but I have by word of mouth found it and by word of “mouth” I shall spread that it’s total bullshit!