Thank you so much for your thoughtful response, I genuinely appreciate it.
Your concerns with both privacy and lack luster keyboard were 2 of my sticking points. Since you are echoing this, I think I may honestly just give up on the light phone. Watching YouTube, the e-ink performance and response does seem to be an issue.
It may be made to not be used as often, but when I do use it - I want it to work - especially for $300.
The Nokia phone is gonna be a no go for me.
What I am considering is the CAT S22. It’s not dumb, but not really fully smart either. It probably skates by with Cs and Bs and got detention a time or two. At $70, I think it’s with a try.
For now, I may take a page from your book and install Graphene OS on my Pixel 4a and give the apps you mentioned another go.
Thanks again for your insight!
Since no one has given you an actual list of accommodations, here you go:
It’s basically anything within reasons to help you successfully do your job. Talk to your HR about ADA accomodations.If you are diagnosed with ADHD, you have the legal right to these accomodations.