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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


MakeMKV comes with cli too. I haven’t used it myself but you should be able to do everything you can do with GUI.

As I said it’s mostly paranoia. I know it works fine with movies and shows, but anime is definitely one thing I actually do not trust it to grab and import automatically. Mostly due to shit anime release naming conventions. Some trackers insist on only using romanized names making it impossible to find automatically and in my experience sonarr can’t import anime seasons due to not having S01E01 in filenames. Even single episode search doesn’t work for this reason.

Automatically? Creating folders, moving files into said folder and renaming files in similar pattern after download is completed. It also provides a nice overview of all media with ability to filter and sort like by size on disk etc.

Jackett supports private trackers.

It doesn’t automatically search every tracker ever. You have to manually add trackers to use(jackett provides a list of them so adding one is easy). Even public ones. For private trackers you have to provide username/password or some authorization token if the tracker uses something like that.

I mean all of them have manual searches. I don’t use automatic grabbing either because I’m just too paranoid about it grabbing a shit release, but I still use them for organizing and it’s nice to just add a movie and get a list of releases to pick from.

But, what about disk space?

Well my collection of FLACs are about 500GB. That’s about 16k songs with a total runtime of 52 days. I don’t think that’s too bad.

If you are really short on disk space I’d still rather download FLAC and transcode to opus @128kbps or maybe less yourself. It’s transparent and even smaller than mp3. I use that to fit everything on my phone which takes about 70GB.

Yeah, I maintain my music collection on Spotify too and it’s actually silly how many artists don’t have an album or two on there because reasons.