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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


It’s actually a good example. Putting aside corrosion, there is no difference in sound (that’s what the meme is about). Coming to corrosion: oxidation will increase the contact resistance which is not frequency dependent. So, at max, it will make the signal slightly smaller but not “worse”.

Actually, mixing gold-plated plugs and tinned receptacle contacts is even worse considering the mismatch in contact resistance

Nope. There is no data to back that up.

Mal, was ihr Lappen

Wo ist diese Wohnung?! 🥺

Spannender Beitrag, danke!

Kostet ein Gerät samt Equipment dann wirklich um die 100.000€? Ist das durch die Features gerechtfertigt oder gibt es keinen anderen Anbieter?