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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Don’t click anything. Those are fake links.
This is the official revanced github and the website is:

Edit: i see my comments weren’t updated and someone was waaay quicker than me. :)

Water basin / cos k = armoured fighting vehicle
That’s what i have to say

I haven’t used MX, but as far as i know Anbox still works for it.
I don’t have a specific emulator in mind, but there’s plenty of options. I even think there’s an emulator running in a chrome browser.
I’m just providing the way i would try to attack the problem. :)

Maybe an android emulator for your computer could help?
You could set it up as a tablet if the app supports tablet sizes. That would make it more readable and you could screenshot stuff you wanted to save.

Be the change you want to see in the world. I’ll sub to it.