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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


My goodness. It’s a real thing?

I also have Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. Learning that AIWS was a real thing as an adult was shocking and then brought me a great deal of comfort, making me feel less insane.

Now learning about tachysensia i am equally shocked and comforted. It was always very scary when I experienced it as a child and would often happen specifically with my father, who was a difficult and often mentally abusive person. He was scary to begin with but sometimes his movements would become faster than a human should be able to move and he would be so much louder than anything else which made me so much more afraid.

I can’t believe this is a real thing. Absolutely amazing.

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Clacked mine quite a few times this evening before turning the asparagus. Finished eating about an hour ago and I’ve already got asparagus pee.

It do be like tht

Did you make this? It’s so clever and funny. I heard dramatic action movie music with the closeup on the spatula. Good stuff.

You might feel like that now but almost certainly not forever. Growth and progress happen so slowly, making it very difficult to perceive. Comparing yourself to others and their achievements makes it even harder to see and in some cases may even undo growth/progress.

The only fair comparison to make is present you to past you. Sometimes that won’t give you much but sometimes it will and those are good moments.

My hope for you is that you learn to trust yourself and cultivate pride so that one day you realize you’ve been more satisfied with life and can’t be sure when things changed.