Hi, I’m Miss Brainfart.
I’m afraid of sharks, with the exception being blåhaj. What could that possibly mean, huh.
(That’s not a hint, I genuinely have no idea)
Lemmings can also find me @miss_brainfart:catgirl.cloud on Matrix, if they desire to do so for e2ee reasons
Yeah, this is why it’s important to try and break down large goals into smaller goals. (I’m not saying it’s easy though)
Look at building muscle for example. What you need to do is focus on the little improvements, one extra rep each week, one extra pound each week. Make that your goal every single workout, instead of beating yourself up over the fact that you don’t look like 5x Mr Olympia Chris Bumstead yet.
(Which you won’t anyway, but that’s another story)
We want short-term success, instant gratification, but excercising for improving our health is a long-term project, whichever way you do it.
So you need to train in a way that gives you these smaller achievements sprinkled throughout the weeks, months and years.
How though, that’s highly individual and depends on the person.
I understand where you’re coming from, but I reckon there’s a lot someone can say or do to steer a person in the right direction, without being overly harsh or direct.
I wouldn’t expect anyone to just outright say Hey, you exhibit strong symptoms of ADHD, might wanna get that checked out.
But maybe a few hints here and there could go a long way already. Casually bring the topic up when it might fit into a conversation, making it occupy a portion of their mind, just enough for them to get interested in some research.
The difference between a major and minor chord can do so much, add in tritones and you’ve already got quite the toolset to create very specific emotions.
You’ve got the weight of a sound to work with, a good example would be the soundtrack of Interstellar. Contrasting a meaningless and powerless humanity in form of simple melodies on a piano with the absolute might and unfathomable size of space, brought to life with a massive organ.
Soooo much good music. On another note, check out The Good, the Bad and the Ugly played by the Danish National Orchestra, their channel is called DR Koncerthuset. If that one part doesn’t make you feel things, I don’t know what will
that part sounds good
Then you have to ask why does it sound good?
Because it makes you feel a certain way.
Which way does it make you feel?
Happy/Sad/Powerful/Powerless etc
Why does it make you feel that way?
And so on and so forth. Try finding a few examples and compare what they all do similarly to achieve that same effect between them.
It’s so rewarding to track things down on your own, and then you can complete the knowledge by watching videos on the topic.
Does that make sense? I never know if I articulated my thoughts in a way other people can actually understand
Also, check out DaveWaves’ Explained in 2 minutes series
I’m rooting for you, just don’t fall too deep into the rabbithole that is vintage lenses^^
But if you do, here are my personal favourites:
I imagine old lenses in general would work wonderfully with the motives you mentioned, with all their little quirks and design flaws that give the image extra character
I’m the only one in my family who can actually do that.
Everyone else keeps checking their phone, talking over each other, getting up every ten minutes to do something, which makes watching a movie with my family the most frustrating thing on earth.
It’s the one thing I can focus on, and they make it unnecessarily hard for me.
What it spits out from just the words clean room is pretty damn great, more than enough to convince me. And while I’m generally very careful with AI, I think in this instance it’s best for me to swallow my damn pride, and accept the help it can give me.
The About section does mention the wish to move this to open source solutions, which I’d very much love to see. I’m looking forward to whenever that can happen.
Just a shame that it’s not open source. I’ve been using Zettlr instead, it’s pretty much the only FOSS alternative that doesn’t pester me into syncing my stuff to a cloud, which is the one thing I like most about Obsidian.
How do you go about using it? I have a strong case of out of sight, out of mind, so I set it to launch automatically when I login, otherwhise I would just forget about its existence.
I usually just shoot the birds in my backyard with mine, anything further away doesn’t work because the flange focal lenght doesn’t match. Old manual lens adapted to a DSLR.
Oh yeah, I think this is where the deer comes in. I saw one while on a walk, but it was too far away for me to focus on it. I’ll need to get me a mirrorless camera to eliminate the flange problem with those old lenses.
Those are the best conversations. Well, as long as the other person is willing to keep up and isn’t thrown off completely.
The funniest thing is that I even make the simplest and most logical things unnecessarily complicated.
The other day, the word deer reminded me I wanted to look up telezoom lenses. Well, I’m into nature photography, the conversation even started with photography, so that makes sense without any detours, right?
Open a file explorer, okay.
But then what? Did the app tell you where it saved your file? No, many apps don’t. So now you have to check in which of the several synonym-of-the-word-picture named folders that image is.
That’s just annoying. I want files I download to default into the downloads folder, for me to then put them wherever I want them to be.
You know, I do agree that many people would probably benefit from learning a bit more about the devices they use, but some devices just do things in a stupid way.
And then comes the question, what will they delete first?
Probably old and therefore maybe irrelevant content, but those old videos from over a decade ago are also mostly lower resolution and bitrate and won’t free up as much space.
So once that’s exhausted, what goes next?
Who will have the privilege to stay on the platform, and who won’t? Or in other words, who makes YouTube the most money?
And once that has to be decided, content will be whatever YouTube wants it to be. Which I can’t imagine being a good thing.
The worst part about chat control is that they proposed it without having a single clue as to how this would be set up, let alone managed and controlled.
Them not being able to give clear answers to absolutley valid and fair questions just breaks more trust in their competence.
Anyway, next I’d like them to ban anything that can be considered factory new e-waste, like cheap usb fans that break after a month, or keychain speakers that don’t even sound good. There’s so many things in production that just don’t have any business existing.
If you don’t have a someone, maybe AI can help you.
Now, let me preface this by saying I have an extreme prejudice against AI, but I can’t deny its usefulness for breaking down tasks.
goblin.tools is a good one, and at least they state wanting to go open source in the future, and be independant from OpenAI. If data privacy is important to you, than that might be something to keep in the back of the head.
But damn, just typing in clean room and getting it broken down into all the little steps is undeniably helpful.