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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


This reminds me of a joke I read forever ago that is stuck in my brain.

Did you hear about the cows grazing in the marijuana patch?

The stakes have never been higher.

It’s the thing that lets the PC load. Obviously.

I really wish there was an official crossover of those series.

To quote Hermes Conrad:

Is there any meat they can’t jerk around here?

Obviously this isn’t digital piracy, it’s identity theft. Hence the reason Hollywood is perfectly fine with it. 😛

Well when the villagers inevitably forced to return to the island, I imagine the next rock to go up will effectively crush the shell. Just like crushing her legacy.

THAT’S IT, THANK YOU! That was driving me nuts.

I know I’ve seen this one before, but I can’t remember how it all started.

When I heard about the Barbie/Oppenheimer stuff I immediately thought of Doom Crossing too. I still can’t think of a more wholesome pairing than Doom Slayer and Isabelle.

Wow, this is the first time I’ve seen a meme so accurately describe my week!

Oh what’s he up to now?

Yeah I thought it meant “potentially unwanted apps.”

Completely accurate picture of me.

Important question time, and ChatGPT wasn’t able to help here. A friend of mine was talking about some neighbors he had in an apartment building that smoked an impressive amount of weed, and that it changed the atmosphere.

For some reason I had immediately thought of “wow they replaced earth’s atmosphere with just weed smoke.”

So now for the question. How big would a joint have to be to accomplish this?

Can’t say I’ve heard of it before, but it makes sense.

It’s so dumb but I love it. I’m going to need to borrow that line.

I’m not an expert, but I have to imagine it’s in relation to the fact that public education in the United States tends to be rather underfunded. Teachers often don’t have all the resources to do their jobs effectively, and many resort to paying for resources out of their own pocket.

Pair that with the fact that the average salary for a teacher in a public school is almost criminally low for a position that has a massive impact on our social outcomes, and you get students that are disengaged and overall not as prepared as they could be.

This is all just what I’ve gathered from reading news articles over time. I’m sure there are several other factors at play.