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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Dude we need some legit study or science on this because if so this blows my brain. I’m a huge proponent of Seinfeld chains, and books on habit science, improving yourself. I have several apps but I’M CONSTANTLY struggling to do these systems. Like it feels impossible.

I have quit nail biting, I’ve done a month of meditation. I can concentrate intently on one thing for a period of time but then I context switch and because I’m not actively everyday using a checklist to remember what I have to do I don’t do it.

I have cavities right now because I focused on something else I needed to do regularly and let my teeth go.

My friends and family make fun of me for constantly changing interests and habits and that I can’t stick with one thing. Maybe!!! They aren’t the same way because it’s EASIER for them to be in automatic mode to do the same thing.

This is really mind fucking me right now.

Well their brake lights wouldn’t turn on during regenerative braking and Hyundai has had some bouts of hacking scandals. But I have heard owners saying food things about them.

I’ll have to take another crack at it sometime. You can do all kinds of container privilege modification in Kubernetes and maybe I just missed the one I need to set. I’ll try to find the analog for the one you shared here. Thanks!

I wish Home assistant was more conducive to running on Kubernetes. I tried it but so much of the local discovery doesn’t work without being in the same LAN as all your IoT devices.

The important concepts aren’t that complicated.

Instead of nesting a computer (VM’s) the operating system makes the program think it’s on its own dedicated computer (isolated file system space, cpu, and memory shares). A Dockerfile is just a basic script to construct one of these computers by commands and files.

The real reason people get excited is because they can ship a Docker “image”. It’s a layered filesystem which really is just like saying there’s a system tracking who puts what files in what place and so it’s easier to just send the whole setup to someone then try to document how you should set all that stuff up to run their software.

This is “dummier” proof than the pre-existing convention of just using a package manager to do this for you.

I mean is there anything more to this threat than a meme?