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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2024


Everything? This morning it was medication. I’m sure, I should have another pack of my antidepressants because I was at the doctors on the 5th.

I still haven’t found them.

I was just diagnosed a few moths ago in my 40’s and I do not grief the diagnosis itself. Its a relief in many ways.

I feel like you with things I struggled all my life. There is a reason for these problems, a real neurological issue that i might be able to work on. Its not because I’m just a failure as a person.

But I do grief a lot about the past and what could have been. All the times life was just so hard and painful.

I have ADS with hypoactivity, which means that all the energy that make hyperactive kids unable to sit still all goes inwards into selfdoubt and insecurity.
I was so, so suicidal and full of selfhate especially during my teens, but also in phases over the rest of my life. I knew there was something wrong with me and I felt so misunderstood and unloved most of all,i thought I didn’t to be loved and understood… and the thought that all this did not need to be that hard makes me cry almost every day.

That depends on how much you want to earn. People I knew didn’t work much, maybe a couple hours a day, but also lived in a place with $150 rent/month and $1 meals.

If you are a native english speaker and have any kind of degree you could look for TEFL jobs online.
When I lived and traveled in SEA for some years I knew quite a few british and americans who taught english online on the road.

A TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate can help, but when you are native and finished school, that would often be enough.