
woah holy shit a bio?

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


man I followed that entire story like it happened in my own head. maybe neurodivergent isn’t the right term. maybe we’re neurocohesive and everything sticks together

hahaha superpower.

more like monkeys paw wish.

I wish I could understand many complex things. Granted, but you don’t get to choose them, and their relevance is rare.

I wish I could notice small details no one else could. Granted, but you can’t analyze them, and each thing triggers your anxiety, hundreds of times a day.

I wish I could specialize in something. Granted, at least until the dopamine kick ends.

I wish I had motivation to do things. Granted, but it’s anything other than what you need to do.

I wish I had super hearing? Granted, but the doctors will grow concerned because your ADHD meds can cause psychosis.

I wish I had great memory. Granted, but you only recall images and never a conversation or video.

… Fucking called out damn

nah man, that’s how it’s sposed to work.

plus now we get to make reddit work like we wanted it to work. its so cool (once I have the time and concentration to put it together)

That server rack for $12 has me really fucking tempted

So my 6 year old explained this to me and it blew me mind I had to read it up to be sure.

“Chickens didn’t exist hundreds of billions of years ago. T Rex did, but all died of the meteor. Some cousins and friends of T Rex, but not Trex, didn’t die, and had x-men like babies [mutations lol] and were more like bird x-men,and the xmen survived but kept having new x-men babies, that also had x-men babies. None of these x-men are around today, so we get to play with Chickens and Dinosaurs and the X-men toys we have because we don’t know what powers the x-men birds have.”

To be honest, they are making me lol, but this one woke my cats up

Yeah when I heard “bite a croc in half” I figured I’d just stay away from the jaws of nope forever