woah holy shit a bio?
hahaha superpower.
more like monkeys paw wish.
I wish I could understand many complex things. Granted, but you don’t get to choose them, and their relevance is rare.
I wish I could notice small details no one else could. Granted, but you can’t analyze them, and each thing triggers your anxiety, hundreds of times a day.
I wish I could specialize in something. Granted, at least until the dopamine kick ends.
I wish I had motivation to do things. Granted, but it’s anything other than what you need to do.
I wish I had super hearing? Granted, but the doctors will grow concerned because your ADHD meds can cause psychosis.
I wish I had great memory. Granted, but you only recall images and never a conversation or video.
So my 6 year old explained this to me and it blew me mind I had to read it up to be sure.
“Chickens didn’t exist hundreds of billions of years ago. T Rex did, but all died of the meteor. Some cousins and friends of T Rex, but not Trex, didn’t die, and had x-men like babies [mutations lol] and were more like bird x-men,and the xmen survived but kept having new x-men babies, that also had x-men babies. None of these x-men are around today, so we get to play with Chickens and Dinosaurs and the X-men toys we have because we don’t know what powers the x-men birds have.”
I sit down and play video games and forget what I needed to do