Firstly, see if there is a gog version. GOG versions are always easier to install imo. I use 1337x to find the games, or any other seeder will do. Download your pirated game and either use wine locally, or for an easier way, I love LUTRIS! Search in Lutris to see if there is a ‘runner’ for your game. This makes installing easier because it runs a script that installs all the windows components need for that game. It it usually ask for your pirated game’s .exe file at some point to install. Done, ready to go.
If you can’t find a runner for your game, I usually find a runner with a more recent, heavy 3D gammer game and use it instead. For whatever reason, Star Wars Jedi Fallen runner seems to work with a lot of games.
Also, make sure you are using Wine-staging and all the i386 files. Here is a guide to help you install.
Honestly, I gave up on the pirated soccer streams. It is like chasing a mouse through the house, one minute it works, the next, the site is down. Run and find a new one. The streaming quality is low, buffers, etc. I watch local soccer so I gave in and paid Apple for their new MLS games for a year. I hated it, but at least I get to watch now without blackouts and low quality. I wish there was an easy pirated solution with high quality.
I understand the points and while I don’t like the rampant corporate greed, you wouldn’t have billion dollar movie projects (or series) if piracy was entirely legal and encouraged.
We may not get billion dollar movie projects, but I bet it would change the landscape and we would gain smaller projects with better results. You have to think, these billion dollar corporations stifle artist, which is why music today is synthesized crap and movie studios are churning out cookie-cutter plots and woked-up remakes no one asked to be created.
The Batman scenes were the ONLY thing worth watching in this movie. I will watch it again and fast forward to them only. I will be happy to never see Ezra Miller in a movie ever again. He made my head hurt.