But but but, those children should be able to choose whether or not they work for slave wages! If they were worth more than that the free market would pay them better anyway! It’s an infringement of my sovereign citizenship to tell me I’m not allowed to scam and/or scare vulnerable minors into selling me their time and/or bodies!
Barefoot shoes for life! I have switched entirely to barefoot shoes - or at least, foot-shaped and zero drop, even if the sole is thicker - and my feet have never been happier.
Some of my favorite brands:
LEMS - good hiking shoes. Nice wide toe box, decently lightweight, don’t look too goofy.
Peerko - good all-around. Lots of looks, some casual, some nicer. Definitely avoiding the crunchy outdoor hobo and/or silly clown shoes look.
Designed by Anya - Anya was a barefoot enthusiast who eventually made her own line, with loafers and boots. Cute and comfy femme barefoot shoes.
Vivobarefoot - used to be a little on the crunchy outdoor hobo side, but some of their more recent looks have stepped up their game nicely. I really like their loafers.