fka u/the_itsb, aka [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 41f artsy ADHD married to 42m machine whisperer, teen son trans & also ADHD. We do outdoor equipment & small engine repair at our home just outside Athens, OH.
🤗 I hope it helps, and even more, I hope you get the care you need. Diagnosis and medication made a huge difference in my life, most importantly in how I think of myself. Doing anything I can do to help anyone else on that road feels really good, because it’s as much an act of self-compassion as it is an act of service.
Oh yeah, making the list is going to be a pain in the ass! For mine, I started a little note for it in my phone, and every time I came across an ADHD thing while internetting that made me think “omg me too!” I would put it on the list. I also sorta “cheated” to get started by looking at lists of symptoms and problems and coping strategies and copying anything that was relevant to me. I think it helped that I didn’t set out to get it all down at once, I just added to it here and there as I thought of things while doing other things, and it grew.
Here’s some of mine, maybe this can help you get the ball rolling?
Symptoms in Adulthood:
Attempts to help self:
It’s like I have to fight against my brain to be able to do the minimum necessary effort at the things I *need *to do for work, at home, etc. And all of the things I want to do but don’t strictly need to, like hobbies, passions, career aspirations and such, there’s simply no mental effort or focus left for most of them most of the time. I constantly feel like I’m not able to focus on anything, I can’t perform at my best, always procrastinating, always having to focus all of the little focus I have on simply managing to stay afloat, always drained, always stressed, always overwhelmed with everything. Always feeling guilty for slacking off and being “lazy”. Feeling like I’m wasting my life, unable to do things which I really, really want to do but for whatever reason can’t bring myself to focus on.
This is classic ADHD and is obviously taking a toll on you! I relate so much. I was able to kinda keep it together in that same way until I got pregnant a little over 16 years ago, then the hormonal changes and the mental burden of caring for a child absolutely wrecked my ability to mask at all, but I didn’t get diagnosed until a few months ago.
If you felt like you generally had a good rapport with that doctor, it might be worth going back to emphasize these aspects of your struggle and the toll they’re taking on your life and health, but if you didn’t have a good vibe from the doctor, see someone else.
I found it very helpful to prepare a list of all the ways I was struggling, including anything I was doing to mask my struggles. I used to be late for everything and forget appointments, but now every event in my calendar has 5 notifications in the lead up so I can’t forget (1 week, 1 day, 12 hours, 4 hours, 1 hour). I bet you’ve developed similar systems that seem excessive to outside observers but totally sensible to your fellow ADHD’ers, and talking to your doctor about the ways your coping strategies cause their own difficulties and burdens might help them realize that you’re genuinely doing everything you can but still need help.
I love that you found your ikigai!! 🥰 I helped my husband find his in small engine repair and vintage garden tractor restoration, and I’m working on figuring out my own in the administrative and creative stuff I do for our business.
A few years ago, I found this ikigai diagram, printed it, and hung it up in the bathroom where it’s visible from the shower, and I think seeing that every day has fueled our shift to self-employment and community engagement.
This is a perfect rant in that it is so specific it loops back around to universality. I have no experience with any of the programs you mentioned - I’m only in the comments because I thought my husband, who uses SolidWorks sometimes in his day job, might find this thread entertaining - and yet I totally related to everything in your comment. I have felt all those same frustrations, just with different software; stuff that was perfectly fine getting “improved” to the point of uselessness for my situation.
You’re a great writer! It takes skill to rant so well about niche stuff that anybody can relate.
This is a huge one for me, too. I managed my transition to a new provider poorly and am consequently out of medication, and I have so much less tolerance for other people and their bullshit. It took conscious effort to not be cunty with a store employee the other day when he had the temerity to interrupt my search of a shelf for a thing to offer to help with my search. 😂 It wasn’t until I was relaying the story to my husband that I went from “can you fucking believe that asshole, I told him I didn’t need help” to “can you fucking believe what an asshole I am omfg he was just trying to help.” 🤦
I very nearly replied to his second, “What are you looking for?” with “None of your fucking business!!” 😂🤦 jfc. I just ignored him instead, which I’m sure was also offensive.
I just can’t go out into public after mid-morning until I get more medication, I am a menace. 😂