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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


How many of you have never been introduced to maladaptive daydreaming or non maladaptive cousin recreational immersive daydreaming?

There is a significant overlap with neurodivergence.

Plus the increased personal responsibilities that come with adult hood means you have less room to fuck up.

a 5yo can fuck up every step down the line and still cheer for victory because mom and dad needed a win and gaslighted the kid into believing they did things on their own.

Wait. I always thought my inability to discern objects within clutter was part of the sensory processing filters struggling within autism.

There is many neordodivergent overlap but now i am very curious how common this is within non autistic adhd

I am definitely getting some things mixed up because Wikipedia-ing these i am starting to question that i may have tried more different kinds than i actually remember taking.

Its not helping that the brand names are different yet similar depending of country.

The last adhd meds i took made me less socially/emotionally repressed like previous meds had been doing. Which was a breath of fresh air… that made me question my life ip to then. Like i woke up in the future after being gone for years. I went into depression very quickly with constant suicidal ideation. That last part went away quickly the moment i promised myself to stop taking adhd meds for good.

It was later made clear to me by a professional that “may cause suicidal feelings” was a known side effect. And its function compared to antidepressant, which for a subset of people can work very counterproductive.

Concerta is related to antidepressants which means they have the side effect of making some people more depressed. I wish i was joking.

It works very different from how i would want it to work for sure. I specified internet technology for a reason though. The creative limit i put on myself is that all systems should remain fully independent with the exception of hardware requirements. Everything remains local for now.

I know, i specified “internet technology” for this reason.

I run a few websites and servers all of them are local only. Society can go to hell, my stuff isn’t relying on it.

I also use the internet of course but thats outside of my creative ventures.

This is precisely why my experiments with servers and internet technology stop whenever a dns is mentioned.

If i need to pay a subscription or otherwise rely on a centralized entity its not independent hosting and my interest in it disappears instantly.

Pretty cool it also applies to later convicts. A bit weird though that something is remains criminal by law but you can apply for a pardon certificate.

The modern quality standard for news reporting seems low almost everywhere. I was only really exposed to US media on reddit but other times a US president only has to sneeze for something to be reported and imitated worldwide.

Pretty cool it also applies to later convicts. A bit weird though that something is remains criminal by law but you can apply for a pardon certificate.

The modern quality standard for news reporting seems low almost everywhere. I was only really exposed to US media on reddit but other times a US president only has to sneeze for something to be reported and imitated worldwide.

Pretty cool it also applies to later convicts. A bit weird though that something is remains criminal by law but you can apply for a pardon certificate.

The modern quality standard for news reporting seems low almost everywhere. I was only really exposed to US media on reddit but other times a US president only has to sneeze for something to be reported and imitated worldwide.

Did the general pardon for marijuana convicts happen yet? Are there plans to legalize or is it bad luck if your arrested a day after the pardon.

Democrats are superheros in comparison to the republican core but compared with about anyone else they are dumb, slow and ineffective.

The germans have a very active r/place sub-community and discord they’ve been prepping for months. It was bound to happen.

To be fair. I’ve been visiting to look at the art and drama i am just not participating or recovering my account. Its also yet another way for the staying community to vouch their disapproval.

The world is devided enough as it is, if we allow infighting where Lemmy pioneers on high horses look down on the mainstream reddit user that didnt migtate at once then there not going to want to come here and spez wins.

I am all for a Lemmymigration subreddits for the same reasons. As long as it leads to more valueble content being made here i dont give a fuck on how many traffic reddit gets.